Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Does Poverty Affect People’s Health and Well-Being? Essay

The health and well-being of a person depends on lots of different circumstances. It is about finding a good work / life balance and feeling healthy in body as well as mind. It is about feeling good in what you do and who you are as a person, it is about achieving personal goals and accomplishing your hopes and dreams. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Health as â€Å"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity† A person has to be able to enjoy the things they do socially and physically, to be able to develop and sustain good relationships, whether personal or social, which makes them feel part of something and connected to others such as friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. They have to feel in control of their own lives and have a sense of belonging and meaning to their existence. This gives purpose for an enjoyable life and a good feeling about life in general. Ronald Labonte states that there are three sets of factors to health and well-being. They are Physical, Mental and Social. He shows how these are interconnected on his model of health and well-being. It shows the various outcomes from the different combinations and in what areas. Well-being can be achieved by doing things that we enjoy, developing good relationships with others, feeling good about our life and living conditions and having energy to enjoy it all. It is about having meaning and purpose to our lives. However, whole communities can be affected by good or bad health. This can be dependent on the environment and area they live in as well as their current situation and what they do. Living in an area which has a high level of deprivation can have a big impact on a persons well being and eventually it can take its toll on their health. Living in a neglected neighbourhood can change a persons characteristics as well as their behaviour. Low income, poor housing and no support can all contribute to poor health. A person’s income and education level can have an impact on their health and well-being. If a person is on low income then they may not be able to afford to live anywhere else. They may not be able to afford to keep their children in school. Relationships with your family and friends can also affect the way you feel and can have an impact on your well-being and mental health and this could be positive or negative depending on the relationship. If for example you live in an area where you have no support from family or friends you may feel isolated and alone and if the neighbourhood is not a safe one you may be afraid to go out therefore never getting to meet new people or get the relevant help you need. People who live in poverty are usually claiming state benefits to survive. Poverty is defined in two ways, Absolute and Relative. Absolute poverty has been defined as â€Å"a minimum subsistence level based on essentials for survival† These are the basic human needs, food, water, clothes, sanitation, health, shelter, education and information. Relative poverty describes your current standard of living. It is â€Å"having an income which is less then 60% of the national average Relative poverty is measured on the fluctuations in the â€Å"average† income rather then a fixed rate making it difficult to measure. Living on a low income especially with a family to raise is hard work and very stressful. This can cause tension and arguments in the family which could eventually lead to the breakdown of the family unit and create even further issues. Trying to provide for children in regards to material things such as mobile phones, televisions, iPods, laptop etc can be emotionally and physically draining. It can be difficult trying to keep up with the moving trends while still trying to put food on the table and keep your children happy. Children living in poverty may be at a higher risk of being bullied at school for not having the right shoes and latest fashions. This could cause major mental and emotional issues for the child which they could end up carrying into adulthood. They may stop performing well at school and eventually leave without any qualifications which could lead to difficulties in gaining employment. This will then re-enforce their low self esteem and self worth and perhaps they will fall into a life of crime or become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Also due to lack of education and resources they could become promiscuous and young girls may end up pregnant. They perhaps will not stay together with the father of the child and the girl will end up a lone parent claiming benefits. Poor diet can have a big impact on a person health. People may not be able to afford to purchase food that is good for them, like fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. They may have to buy cheaper alternatives which will not have the same nutritional value as fresh produce and they end up with a higher risk of suffering health issues and dying young. Due to a poor diet some pregnant woman can end up having babies that are under weight. These children may then suffer long term health issues leading all the way into adult hood reducing the amount of time that they will actually live. They are at a higher risk of developing physical conditions such as hearing and sight defects. Mental health is a main cause for concern in low income areas and money worries can lead to anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, insomnia and perhaps even suicide. Having little or no money limits the activities you can do and prevents people from taking part in leisurely pursuits like taking holidays or being able to visit family and friends in a different location. This can eventually take its toll on your mood and outlook on life. Living in poverty can also lead to social exclusion. If people are socially excluded they lack opportunities and resources. The government states that: â€Å"social exclusion happens when people or places suffer from a series of problems such as unemployment, discrimination, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime, ill health and family breakdown† People can sometimes feel trapped in their own neighbourhoods even more so if that neighbourhood has a bad reputation and you’re trying to find employment. Having to say where you live could potentially reduce your chances of securing a job. Employers may not want to hire someone from a bad neighbourhood. Living in an area with poor housing conditions or lack of facilities can have an impact on a person’s state of mind. Social problems may be an issue, perhaps there is a high level of crime in the area, underage drinking could be rife, children may have no where safe to play and parents from other neighbourhoods may not want their children mixing with children from a neighbourhood with a bad reputation. There may not be any local facilities near by like shops, medical centre, leisure areas etc From reading chapter 7 there are many examples of how poverty affects people and mainly I feel that it is the women in the community that feel the effect more. Always having to budget before going shopping, knowing precisely what they need so that they have enough money when it comes to paying for it. Not being able to do any leisure pursuits or do fun things like taking a trip to the cinema can have a negative impact on the family as a whole therefore perhaps relationships within the family break down. Many women go without so that there will be more for their children and husband. No wonder these women end up depressed about there current situation, It must be hard work always worrying about money and whether their will be enough to feed the family. It seems like a relentless situation. It must cause social and mental anxiety for a person therefore creating negative affects. These negative feelings and emotions can lead to illnesses such as fatigue, stress, high blood pressure, weight gain or loss, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite etc. You may also feel embarrassed, disrespected and resentful. You may also feel worthlessness at times about the whole situation. Living in poverty can have a demoralising effect on your health and well-being. Not eating proper healthy food, not getting the right treatment for health issues, drinking and smoking to excess, these are just some things that will have a negative effect on your life and will reduce it considerably. If you can remove some barriers and try to make good of things and turn all the negatives into positives, then you can slowly start to change the outlook on your life and over time improve your health and well-being. Community programme’s like Thornhill Plus You programme can have a really positive effect on the neighbourhood and the people who live in it. Living in a good positive health neighbourhood will have an impact on the people who live there. In the Ronald Labonte model of health and well-being, living conditions and control over our lives are contributing factors to our well-being.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Movie Impact Outline Speech

To inform my audience about how the movie â€Å"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind† had an impact on me. Thesis Statement: â€Å"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind† had an impact on me because its unique take on a love story showed me the bittersweets of romantic relationships in general. Preview: I will discuss the impact that the movie had on me. I will also tell how the movie's storyline made me appreciate and fall in love with the movie.Body: 1. This movie is one of the only genuine love stories I have ever seen. A. Both of the main characters, Joel and Clementine, were Just so dysfunctional real. B. You experience all the emotions that the characters in the movie experience. Feelings such as loss, regret, anger, instability, sureness, self-discovery, and so much more. 2. This movie also taught me lessons about relationships and breakups. A. It shows why painful memories are Just as important as the good ones. B.It really put into respective how relationships are difficult at times and getting through those hardships will ultimately make you stronger whether It be alone or as a couple. Conclusion: In conclusion, â€Å"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind† Is one of those movies I'll probably be going back to throughout all parts of my life. I don't think our culture teaches us how to deal with sadness and loneliness properly, a feeling that Is as vital for the full human experience Just as happiness and comfort Is.

Sociological Approach to Literature Essay

The study of literature within the discipline of sociology, integrates a concern for meaning and the unique properties inherent in literary texts, reflecting the economics, attitudes, morals and religion of the society that produced the texts.1Each society inter-connected and independent, yet distinct and diverse is influenced by the literature, for there are innumerable instances exemplifying the co-relation of life and literature. The impact of literature is influential on man’s behavior and outlook, moreover, governing the minds of the populace, as proved in the realms of the history, either reinforcing the social system or invalidating it.2From the reserves of the product of a creative and selective process that spanned centuries of historical and religious change, â€Å"Jahili†3 poetry administer the transvaluation of the cultured atmosphere of the Near East and the religious vision of a nascent Muslim doctrine in the pastoral-nomadic societies of the Early Arabs. Projecting the synonymous notion, in the contemporary world, with addition to the eloquent and artistic value, the literature delineates sociological aspects in reality, for instance, the Palestinian poet Ibrahim Tuqan cast an increasingly angry eye on the exacerbating situation of his homeland: You people, your foes are not such as to be gentle and merciful. You people, before you is nothing but exile, so get ready.4 Literature has the efficacy to enlighten the intellectual understanding of the human race, transforming history, conjointly demolishing the hurdles obstructing the growth of society hence ‘each society would develop when the literature flourishes from within’,5 with the assistance of effectuating the ideologies and the postulates registered in the expositions. This paper suggests that the quintessential book of ‘Raudat-Hidayat’6, the stacked selection of hundred conclusive ‘ahaadeeth shareefah and akaaleem muneefah’ by His Holiness. Dr. Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin TUS, as being the truest form of literature, reflects the structure and culture of Dawoodi Bohras, meanwhile inculcates the ingenuity for the satisfactory living in this adversary world. The indispensable collaborator, embodying the reflections and descriptions, despite of being sterile from a sociological point at the first sight, genuinely penetrates into the private and discreet sou rces of  individual life. The inferences for the relationship between literature and sociology have been broached and opted for, such as Emile Durkheim rejected the idea that education could be the force to transform society by concluding that education ‘can be reformed only if society itself is reformed’7. The precept of literature being a mirror to the society is ancient; however it is said, the idea of the systematic application appeared as an inception in Madame de Stael’s â€Å"De la litterature consideree dans ses rapports†8, exhibiting a social and historical interpretation of literature of several nations. To further the accessibility of sociological concepts, Lewis Loser proposed to use the literature in the classrooms, in order to deepen the understanding of various social issues. In the neoteric times, Wendy Griswold professed that the â€Å"sociology of literature was a non-field, like an amoeba -lacking firm structure†.9 The ambiance of literature awakens the consciousness of the mankind, generating the idea of utopia, a distinguished world10, established on humanization, which has been suppressed and eliminated, making the wealthiest societies on the Earth uninhabitable11. In the second half of the twentieth century, crime and social disorder began to rise, reckoning to the weakening of human ties, accelerating sharply approaching the decline of trust and confidence. The technological change which brought the â€Å"creative destruction†12 in the metropolis evoked reciprocal catastrophe in the world of social relationships, as registered by the statics of fatherless child, broken trust and deindustrialization. When the perseverance of the universe is close to humiliation, the eminence of this book is irreproachable, affirming the significance of eloquently presented words of wisdom, out of which one hadees, supplementing the cause of humanization, is as follows: â€Å"Do good to the worthy an d the unworthy. If a person is worthy, then he is deserving of that good. If a person is unworthy, then you are one who does good regardless.†13 The message of literature, elucidating the mark of greatest value of human being is humanism, embodied with the intellect which overshadows instinct, to differentiate purified from the contaminated, limiting the access to the beneficial over the hazardous matter. A society build around the technology has covered the grounds of diplomacy, granting in return freedom and equality, which has been claimed and modified, without taking any effect, for inequality of recognition, respect, love, care and  solidarity are found in the recent years14, whereas, this piece of advice deals with the equality on the main scale, which in turn envelopes the social structure with the fabric of love. Thus, the individual attains the best diversion from tension, anxiety, worries and fear for masses towards achieving a sense of relief and freedom, moving forward to the goal of perfection and liberation, which is rightly divulged by the culture of Dawoodi Bohras, as acknowledged by Mathew Arnold15: ‘ Harmonious human perfection can be achieved only by culture, since culture is nothing but the love for the study of perfection in thoughts, words and deeds.’ The aspiration of disembarkation of spiritual satisfaction stem in human efforts in the field of science and technology, literary and religious services, in this manner, it is crucial to reveal such cultural knowledge, to generation after generation. Robert Browning16 visualized the gaining of power by acquiring highest knowledge as the aim of life and with the passage of time realized that the highest goals and ideals shouldn’t be relinquished for earthly desires or trivial things, as failure to achieve perfection is not substantial, which can be spoiled by the efforts of forces, than care and devotion involved for the contrivance of lofty and noble ideals. All of this literary content seems to be imprisoned in the texts, for it is rarely seen that the vision Robert presented is acted upon, the intellectual concepts have been confined to materialism, leaving behind the refinement of spirituality. The theory and practice have the natural affinity to each other, which will be reconciled from the impact of the practitioners, just as His HolinessTUS enlightens the pathway towards good cause by demonstrating His deeds and thoughts. Making theory and methods relevant to real problems of the society and issues would end the tedi um but the question raised is not â€Å"what should we do† but rather â€Å"do we have the will to do it?†17 The dilemma is the courage to carry out the enforced task, however, describing its complex nature, linking the attributes of spirituality along with the dignified body, as W.B. Yeats symbolically expresses the mortal life of man as the broad base of the spiraling cone and the apex representing the spiritual life of man. The clarification of concepts in order to make efforts for the cleansing of the souls, is magnified in the literature represented by His Holiness TUS, like it can be seen in this advice that the doer is sprinkled with the peace and  satisfaction by the revelation of him being towards the positive way, in all the aspects of life, as proclaimed by Syedi Yusuf Bhaisaheb NajmuddinRA in the eloquence of the literature of Syedna Taher SaifuddinRA : â€Å"He served by his noble self in detecting the meanings of eternal kind, and in between those meanings, were factual explanations and eternal concealments, glorifying the aspects of life and the exposures of the universe, with the eternal benefits, explaining all the themes which will emerge continually, appointing its principle and its assets.†18 The idiosyncrasy of Fatemi literature in the combination of this world and here-after, the utter projection of the truth, surmounts the relation between literature and sociology, and grant s the reader this perspective: â€Å"Everything that was bestowed on him, led him to a clear straight path, the view became distinctive, collecting the thoughts in its scope†19 Thus it has been collected that the literature shows the correct path of light, illuminating the human’s mind and soul in the process, which makes him tackle the hardships of life, and evolve personal satisfaction, augmenting the desired perfection, proven by the literary statistics of the Dawoodi Bohra’s society, piously devoted to the welfare of the humanity, and abiding by the laws of humanization, in the guidance of their spiritual father, emanating the theories into practice. The prayers of the Mumineen sect are always for their Moula, before the Almighty to bestow him with a long life, and his descendant till the Day of Judgment. Ameen.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Jungle Fever Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jungle Fever - Movie Review Example Discrimination is thÐ µ application of prÐ µjudicÐ µ in individual, sociÐ µtal, or institutional actions that sÐ µÃ µk to homogÐ µnizÐ µ and disparagÐ µ thÐ µ out-group whilÐ µ lÐ µaving thÐ µ in-group frÐ µÃ µ of similar scrutiny or action. This is far from a comprÐ µhÐ µnsivÐ µ dÐ µfinition of discrimination, which can also includÐ µ social dÐ µcisions that arÐ µ basÐ µd on thÐ µ gÐ µndÐ µr, racÐ µ, or sÐ µxuality of a pÐ µrcÐ µivÐ µd group, to namÐ µ just a fÐ µw possiblÐ µ dÐ µlinÐ µations. ThÐ µ causÐ µ for most discrimination and prÐ µjudicÐ µ is thÐ µ fostÐ µring of stÐ µrÐ µotypÐ µs that sÐ µÃ µk to assay out-group cultural homogÐ µnÐ µity from thÐ µ pÐ µrspÐ µctivÐ µ of thÐ µ majority in-group, which in this casÐ µ involvÐ µs thÐ µ majority in-group bÐ µing thosÐ µ who do not bÐ µlong to thÐ µ culturÐ µ. #2 In tÐ µrms of adultÐ µry, whÐ µthÐ µr FlippÐ µr’s dalliancÐ µ was black or whitÐ µ, it would s till bÐ µ chÐ µating. I think that thÐ µ ladiÐ µs at Cyrus’ would hold on to somÐ µthing to gossip about, and thÐ µ mixÐ µd racÐ µ naturÐ µ of thÐ µ couplÐ µ was thÐ µ first and most sÐ µnsational thing that thÐ µy could gÐ µt. If thÐ µy hadn’t gottÐ µn this, and AngiÐ µ had bÐ µÃ µn black, thÐ µy would havÐ µ still gossipÐ µd; it would havÐ µ just bÐ µÃ µn about adultÐ µry, or maybÐ µ socio-Ð µconomics. ... ThÐ µrÐ µ arÐ µ various usÐ µful rÐ µasons for this (morÐ µ usÐ µful than prÐ µjudicÐ µ basÐ µd on racÐ µ), but most of thÐ µm, likÐ µ prÐ µjudicÐ µs basÐ µd on racÐ µ, arÐ µ supÐ µrficial and basÐ µd on fÐ µar and thÐ µ inability to Ð µxprÐ µss that it is OK to bÐ µ diffÐ µrÐ µnt. PrÐ µjudicÐ µ is a prÐ µmaturÐ µ judgmÐ µnt, no mattÐ µr what thÐ µ contÐ µxt. #3 ThÐ µ SnipÐ µs charactÐ µr’s rÐ µsponsÐ µ was bigotÐ µd, I thought, but it didn’t surprisÐ µ mÐ µ too much. It is my bÐ µliÐ µf that prÐ µjudicÐ µd trÐ µatmÐ µnt of individuals and stÐ µrÐ µotyping havÐ µ a dÐ µpÐ µndÐ µnt rÐ µlationship; that is, thÐ µ mistrÐ µatmÐ µnt of thÐ µsÐ µ individuals on a sociÐ µtal lÐ µvÐ µl in many ways cannot Ð µxist without pÐ µrvasivÐ µ stÐ µrÐ µotyping. Basically, onÐ µ can sÐ µÃ µ prÐ µjudicÐ µ as thinking that your culturÐ µ or physical statÐ µ of bÐ µing is supÐ µrior to othÐ µr culturÐ µs or phys ical statÐ µs of bÐ µing that you Ð µncountÐ µr, and thÐ µn classifying thÐ µsÐ µ othÐ µr culturÐ µs nÐ µgativÐ µly as a rÐ µsult of stÐ µrÐ µotyping thÐ µm. For Ð µxamplÐ µ, many think that all mÐ µntally ill pÐ µoplÐ µ arÐ µ actually rÐ µtardÐ µd, whÐ µn many of thÐ µ mÐ µntally ill actually show signs of bÐ µing brilliant in spÐ µcific fiÐ µlds. It sÐ µÃ µms that stÐ µrÐ µotypÐ µs about individuals arÐ µ common among Ð µxclusivist rÐ µligions and groups who arÐ µ unablÐ µ to accÐ µpt morÐ µ than onÐ µ vÐ µrsion of thÐ µ truth. Many think of stÐ µrÐ µotyping as a stratÐ µgy pÐ µoplÐ µ usÐ µ to gÐ µnÐ µralizÐ µ a group of pÐ µoplÐ µ whÐ µn thÐ µy do not havÐ µ communication with or accuratÐ µ information about thÐ µ stÐ µrÐ µotypÐ µd group, for whatÐ µvÐ µr rÐ µason. It is my opinion that prÐ µjudicÐ µ would not Ð µxist without stÐ µrÐ µotyping, and that by combating stÐ µrÐ µotyping as a sort of lÐ µast comm on dÐ µnominator for which morÐ µ

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Big Four Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Big Four - Essay Example They founded Central Pacific in 1861. They were also responsible for starting the American transcontinental line. Construction of the rail began in Sacramento, California, in 1863 which reached south to Arizona in 1877. The Central Pacific met the Union Pacific at Promontory, Utah, in May 1869. Stanford was born on March 9 1824, and he passed on June 21, 1893. He was an American mogul, industrialist, politician and forefather of Stanford University. He remade himself in gold rush era in California as a merchant. He left the Midwest to become a partner in a wholesale grocery industry created by his brothers. He was slow to speak, a deliberate thinker, and he was characterized by a steady nature that repeatedly provoked his railroad partners. Stanford headed east to lobby for the undertaking and gain biased support for his gubernatorial tender. Stanford appointed Theodore Judah and Doc Strong as nominating committee, and, perhaps swayed by his political gravity, they in turn named Stanford president. It was a insignificant to company mastermind Huntington, who had to settle for vice president and the beginning of bad blood that estranged him from Stanford and drove Judah away from the Central Pacific. Bad choices cost Stanford his governors office by the end of his first term- characteristic was his May decision to appoint business partner E. B. Crocker to the California Supreme Court.Political position had allowed him to funnel state money to the railroad; free from the responsibilities of office, Stanford turned his full attention to railroad duties. In 1868 he signed a million-dollar draft without their consultation, making the company captive to the Bank of California Collis P. Huntington was born in 1821 and passed on in the 1900. He went to California in1849 on news about gold. He had an uncanny intelligence for buying and selling. There he became a partner with Mark Hopkins in a successful wholesale-retail firm that specialized in miners’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nursing Care in Patients with Brittle Asthma Essay

Nursing Care in Patients with Brittle Asthma - Essay Example These circumstances influenced the creation of this paper where the author will discuss chronic asthma, emerging issues relative to the disease, and nursing approach to the identified issues to facilitate nursing care. Asthma attacks take the life of over 1,100 patients every year (Anderson 2007) and 0.05% of this population comprises of patients who suffered from brittle asthma (Ayres 1998). Brittle asthma is a phenotype classification of asthma coined by Turner-Warwick in 1977 as an asthmatic condition with maintained wide variation in peak expiratory flow (PEF) despite high doses of inhaled steroids. After Turner-Warwick’s revelation sprung several more definition from authors who aims to give the condition a more precise identity. Garden and Ayres (1993) claim that a more concise manner to define it would be â€Å"patients with a defined and persistent marked diurnal variation in PEF despite multiple drug treatment.† Nevertheless, this implies a chronic illness with no effective treatment available leaving the patient filled with pain and suffering from dyspnoea. Ayres (1998, p.315) classified brittle asthma into two. The first one is Type 1 brittle asthma, which is characterised by a sustained wide PEF variability over a period of at least 150 days regardless of extensive medical treatment. The other one is Type 2 brittle asthma considered as abrupt acute attacks taking place in less than three hours. This type may occur even on a seemingly normal airway function or a well-controlled asthma. Between the two, Type 1 patients are more likely to be on emergency and admitted on hospitals due to its severe acute attacks and its need for a more intensive treatment. This group of patients with brittle asthma requires greater amounts of medications compared to the other forms of asthma. Most needs prolonged oxygen therapy and higher doses for steroids and bronchodilators. Biomedical management mostly involve steroids, subcutaneous ?2 antagonist, long acting inhaled ?2 antagonist, and adrenaline, which are all costly if given in a longer period and higher doses. On the course of therapy, the patients often suffer from the effects of prolonged drug exposure such as osteoporosis, weight gain, and oesophageal reflux to name a few (Ayres 316). Physical morbidity is tantamount to all chronic illness and its psychosocial counterpart is always present too. Garden and Ayres (1993, p.503) discussed the psychosocial effects of brittle asthma to a person. They suggested that prolonged chronic illness develop traits such as anxiety, nervousness, sensitivity, denial, lower self-esteem and obsession. These trait alterations acclaimed to be due to extremely difficult management. Many of them have run out of therapeutic options and patience and eventually stop seeking medical consult from their physicians. Poor compliance and worsening condition follows from these actions of hopelessness. Studies found out that these patients lacks self confide nce in managing attacks, believes their doctors less, and has an increased feeling of disgrace. Another testified that patients with highest morbidity from asthma often time hesitate in seeking help from clinicians during acute attacks while others do not strictly comply on usage of bronchodilators or still continue to do prohibited habits such as smoking or exposure to allergens (Smith, et al. 2005). â€Å"

Friday, July 26, 2019

Experiance of Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Experiance of Childhood - Essay Example It is rightly said "There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again." (Lawrence 1999) Sometimes I wish to get back into my childhood where things were so simple and not complicated and life was like a piece of chocolate. I remember some moments of my childhood which I cherish even today. I remember the experience of my father helping me out with various learning processes, be it my first bicycle ride or helping me out with learning to write, holding my hand and helping me to make alphabets, when I was in kindergarten. The most interesting part of my childhood was my school days. I had always been a friendly being and a social animal. I made a lot of friends at school. I had always this attitude of interacting with as many people as I can whom I come across, so I had a big friendship circle. I used to play soccer with my friends who lived nearby my place and in the evening I used to watch cartoon shows on television. When I was nine my father changed my school and I was put into the most reputed school of that area. Thanks to my friendly nature I made a lot of friends there as well. It was a lot of learning process there, from where I started loving my childhood even more. After school my mother used to come to pick me up and then I used to go for the swimming after taking a rest of about two hours. My father always insisted me to pick up a sport ever since I was nine years old. Initially I didn't have any interest in swimming, though I used to go for it everyday. But later I developed a keen interest in the sport and I started learning it with much of interest. I remember when I was about to be 10 , I stood second in the district swimming championship. I was so excited that I thought I have conquered this world and therefore I demanded for a bicycle. I saw in a nearby shop a brand new bicycle with speed-gear technology, I insisted my parents to buy me that bicycle but they got me a simple bicycle. Initially after getting that simple bicycle I was not happy but later I was bribed with chocolates and ice-cream by my mother and I was happy with th at bicycle. Imagine the innocence of a kid to adjust with his liking for ice-cream and chocolates. Later when was 10 years old my dad took me for an educational trip round the country and I saw various parts of the country including some parts blessed with natural beauty. One of the most amazing thing that I can never forget about my childhood was my Maths class .I was always weal in this subject and so I generally used to feel uncomfortable in that class. I never got an A grade in that subject and I literally used to struggle in that subject. I developed interest in dance and i insisted my mother to join me dance classes. My parents thought that it was a waste of time and money and refused it, but i was adamant of joining the class and kept on insisting my parents and they finally gave up and made me join it. I was excited and I learned a lot there and I made many friends there as well. The biggest surprise of my childhood was on my 12th birthday when my parents gifted me a Compute r. I was so excited but basically to play games on it. My parents have always been co-operative and interactive with me and I learned a lot from them . I can remember that day when I landed up with a fight with one of my classmates and my parents were called

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Article Review - Chapter 1 Leadership Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Review - Chapter 1 Leadership - Article Example In this respect, the article provides important information about how leaders can build trust among the employees. In my opinion, this information should be treated very seriously in view of the nature of its impact upon workforce motivation. Unless the organizational workforce can trust the leadership, it will not be motivated enough to boost productivity to the maximum and the business will lose its competitiveness in a dynamic environment. In my opinion, the topic of trusted leadership is more important than ever because of the fast changing external environment. In this environment, organizations have to be dynamic to be competitive. The important components are a compelling vision, rock-solid strategy, excellent communication skills, innovative insight and a skilled team. They are the important components of a competitive organizational culture the basis of which is trusted leadership. This underscores the importance of building trust in leadership. This is a long-term process success in which leads to an organizational culture which creates competitive dynamism in a business environment which is changing constantly. Therefore trust in leadership is vital when it comes to maintaining the profit margin because it has a direct impact upon employee motivation. By emphasizing upon clarity, compassion, character, contribution, competency, connection, commitment and consistency, a leader can inspire trust the importance o f which is underscored by its impact upon both individual and business performance. Horsager, D. (2012). You can’t be a great leader without trust. Here’s how you build it. Forbes. Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Performance & reward mgt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Performance & reward mgt - Essay Example The employee will respond to being treated with respect and courtesy by management, and improve performance. Performance-based rewards can also help motivation levels, as well as attention being paid to the human needs of the employee. This is why employee motivation should be approached as a continuing process rather than a series of isolated events. Specifically, the manager of employees wanting greater levels of motivation can use theories to develop several strategies to encourage an atmosphere of communication, teamwork, and fulfillment in the workplace that will result in this ultimate goal. This boosts human needs categories of self-esteem and social need fulfillment, and also encourages multiculturalism and diversity in the workplace. Using this method, employers can foster an atmosphere of friendly competition where leadership and hard work are shown to have psychological

Voidable Agreements and Unconscionable Contracts Assignment

Voidable Agreements and Unconscionable Contracts - Assignment Example The following summary of a case in a court of law shows a voidable agreement containing an unconscionable contract. The case in subject involves a minor who purchased a used car from an adult at one hundred and forty dollars. He, the buyer, attempted to return the car after noticing that the main bearing system had malfunctions. As a result, the buyer informed the seller on the issue, and asserted that repairing the entire bearing system would cost approximately half the purchasing price. Therefore, the minor left the car with the seller and mailed a written notification expressing his dissatisfaction; hence terminating their contract.As a counter action, the adult seller sued the minor buyer for breaching their agreement. After appraising all essential components of the case, the court passed a ruling in favor of the seller on the basis that the contract was not voidable. The premise provided was that the buyer’s aunt and grandmother not only gave him the money for purchase o f the car, but also accompanied him to the venue of transaction. In this first ruling, the seller benefited as a result of misinterpretation of the law on voidable contract.The buyer appealed after losing in the first trial. The court of appeal analyzed the provided evidence and determined the case as a voidable contract. The appellate chamber maintained that the transaction surrounding the contract was between a minor and an adult

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Alternative Energy Source Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Alternative Energy Source - Essay Example Scientists, conservationists, lobbyists, and a range of other scholars have explored on the subject of alternative energy source through various perspectives. Their views represent the various schools of thought that have emerged to define the problem. Publications and research work developed about the subject have often been classified into major themes including the depletion of fossil fuels, rising levels of consumption, safety, pollution, types of alternative sources of energy, the cost factor, and sustainability (Michaelides 41). These themes are considered along local and universal perspectives. In essence, some of the issues that connect to the development of alternative energy sources are consistent with the view that the developmental needs of humanity are entirely dependent on the availability of sufficient clean energy, which does not pose any significant threat to the eco-systems around the world. On this note, it becomes important to consider the fact that debate on the production of alternative source of energy is also understood together with the need to lessen the kind of crises that have defined competition over the existing forms energy. A major factor of consideration is the fact that the economies of nearly all the countries around the world are driven by the influence of energy on other sectors, which affect the performance of markets and other indicators. Challenges of monopoly over oil, for instance, have contributed to fears in the developing and the developed world of dominance and manipulation of the economic order in ways that could impact negatively on the aspect of globalization and liberalization of world economies (Kruger 66). Consequently, it becomes necessary to investigate available options to the question of alternative sources of energy and the need to resolve current issues affecting the development of energy levels. A wide range of research work has indicated that the world supply of oil has reduced drastically over the pas t century. Fears continue to grip the developed and the developing world over the question of sustainability and the impact of the reduction on the stability of the world economy. On this matter, research has shown that many countries will face significant challenges in the running of their industries as the fuel levels continue to reduce (Kowalski 30). Industrialization has been accepted as an important benchmark of development. Countries continue to grapple with the challenge in various ways that underscore the different levels of impact across the globe. Estimates from multiple sources indicate that the depletion of fossil fuels might reach crisis levels in about 50 years. The same research shows that many countries have continued to allocate significant amounts of money in their budgets to research initiatives aimed at promoting the development of alternative energy sources to complement or supplement the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels. The rise of China as a major industria l economic power has also been cited in a wide range of research work as a contributing factor to the insecurities about fuel, which continue to threaten world stability. China has been mentioned in these research works as a leading consumer of fuel in the world. It remains a major importer of oil and

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Islam Controversy Essay Example for Free

The Islam Controversy Essay In the recent years, Islam has been closely associated with terrorist and violent actions, as well as lack of respect for women and their rights. There have been numerous ideas and beliefs about the Muslim faith and culture that are misconceived and misplaced. It is said the Muslims conquered everything by sword and fire- an idea that has built a belief that the Islamic faith and culture is rooted in terrorism and violence. On the other hand, there exist the true and ideal traits of the Islamic faith. These aspects are little known to most of the non-Muslim people; and the few who know them are more like brainwashed by the stereotypes about this culture and faith. Therefore, there is need to take a look at the things that have made Islam receive the perception it has today, and at the same time compare them with the ideal beliefs and pillars of the Muslim faith and culture. Having in mind that the population of Muslims has increased considerably with the past few years, it is vital to harmonize the perceptions non-Muslims have about Muslims with the true aspects of the Islamic faith. This can only be done by getting ample knowledge on both sides of the coin and getting real about them. It is a fact that Islam is a religion and culture characterized by unending controversy. The Muslim society on the other hand has come into light clarifying and justifying its stand in regard to the perceptions and stereotypes directed towards it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Possibility Of Travelling Through Wormholes In Space Time Philosophy Essay

Possibility Of Travelling Through Wormholes In Space Time Philosophy Essay Wormhole is a tunnel connecting two different points in space time. It is also known as Einstein-Rosen bridge (1935). The objective of this study is to investigate is it possible to travel through the wormholes. 1 Introduction Wormhole(named by John Wheeler,physicist,1955) is the hypothetical tunnel connecting two different points in spacetime in such a way that a trip through the wormhole could take much less time. The spacetime tunnel is also known as Einstein-Rosen bridge (Einstein and Nathan Rosen,1935) Wormholes can be found in earth, but is a billion-trillion-trillionths of a centimeter across Hawking(2010), so it cannot be seen by humans naked eye. Travelling through wormhole or time machine can make human life to be more simple and interesting. The purpose of this study is to investigate the method that lead to building a time machine and travelling wormholes. 2 Literature Review 2.1 Definition Wormhole is a hypothetical tunnel which connects two different points in such a way that a trip through the wormhole could take much less time than a journey between the same starting and ending points in normal space in space time. Wormholes can allow matter, energy, and information to travel to a distant point without passing through the space between the two points effectively circumventing the light speed barrier that prevents it travels faster than light through normal space. Wormholes are actually the natural part of the fabric of space-time or the quantum foam. These natural wormholes are very small and short lived which the light cannot even pass through them. They are a popular feature of science fiction as they allow interstellar travel within human timescales. 2.2 History The mathematician Riemann (1845), who is the first formulated higher-dimensional geometry and also the one who first discusses wormholes. Riemann cuts (Riemanns Wormholes) are connections between spaces (multiply connected spaces) with zero length. Then, Einstein and his collaborator Rosen (Einstein-Rosen bridges ,1935) describe the relativistic of black holes requires wormholes at their center which seem to connect the center of a black hole with a mirror universe on the other side of space time. However, due to the center of a black hole singularity, wormhole could not be traversed as the point of infinite space time curvature where the gravity would also be infinite and all matter would be crushed to its most fundamental constituents. In additional, to travel through the wormhole would require motion faster than the speed of light which is a physical impossibility. 2.3 How is wormholes form Wormholes are considered possible based on (Einsteins theory of relativity, 1916), who states that, any mass curves space time. To understand this curvature, think about two people holding a bed sheet up and stretching that sheet tightly. If one person is to place a baseball on the bed sheet, the weight of the baseball would roll to the middle of the sheet and causes the sheet to curve at that point similar if a marble were placed on the edge of the same bed sheet, it would travel toward the baseball because of the curve. In this example, space is depicted as a two-dimensional plane rather than the four dimensions which actually make up space time. Imagine that is the sheet is folded over and leaving a space between the top and bottom. If place the baseball on the top side will form a curvature. If an equal mass is placed on the bottom part of the sheet at a point that corresponds with the location of the baseball on the top, the second mass would eventually meet with the baseball. This is similar to how wormholes might form. In space, masses that place pressure on different parts of the universe could eventually come together to form a tunnel which is a wormhole. We could travel from Earth to another galaxy and return back relatively quickly within a lifetime. 3 Finding and Discussion 3.1 Wormholes exist in our earth According to Stephen Hawking( physicist and cosmologist), everyone knows that all physical object has three dimensions, they are length, width and height. But, there is another type of length that is length in time. Everything has length in time including space. Travelling in time means travelling through this fourth dimension. By imagine of doing a car travel, drove in a straight line and travelling in one dimension, then turn right or left and this is already adding the second dimension. After that, by driving up or down is actually adding the third dimension, height. So, this is the three dimensions. The fourth dimension is by travelling in time. There is a concept of making the time machine to travel through the fourth dimension. Nothing is flat or solid. If by looking closely at anything, holes and wrinkles can be found. It is a very basic principle even applies to time. Even something as smooth as a pool ball has tiny crevices, wrinkles, and voids. Same as the fourth dimension, there are tiny crevices, wrinkles and voids in time. Down at the smallest of scales, smaller even than molecules or atoms, this is so called quantum foam. This is where wormholes exist. Tiny tunnels through space and time constantly form, disappear, and reform within this quantum world. They actually link two separate places and two different times. These real-life time tunnels are just a billion-trillion-trillionths of a centimeter across. It is too small for human to pass through. Some scientists think that is possible to capture the wormholes and enlarge it by using enough power and advanced technology. Wormholes will happened just like sound system but only radiation instead of sound. Sound enters the microphone. Its transmitted along the wires, made louder by the amplifier, and comes out at the speakers. 3.2 The leading of making time machine According to Albert Einstein, He realized that there should be places where time slows down, and others where time speeds up. The proof is in the space. One of the example is GPS, Global Positioning System. The heavier the object, the more it drags on time. A super-massive black hole is a time machine. It is a heaviest object in the galaxy. It wont destroy itself in a flash of feedback. But its pretty dangerous. Its a long way away and it doesnt even take us very far into the future. Fortunately there is another way to travel in time. And this represents our last and best hope of building a real time machine. Hawking (2010) said that theres a cosmic limit of speed that is speed of light. But travelling by a speed near to the speed of light will brings you to the future. For example, the science-fiction transportation system. Imagine a track which goes right round the earth, a track for superfast train. Use this imaginary train to get as close as possible to the speed of light and see how it becomes a time machine. On board are passengers with a one-way ticket to the future. The train begins to accelerate, faster and faster. Soon, its circling the Earth over and over again. To reach the speed of light and cycling around the earth consider very fast and is 7 times per second. However, no matter how much power the train has, it can never quite reach the speed of light, since the laws of physics forbid it. Instead, lets say the speed gets close, Time starts flowing slowly on board relative to the rest of the world, just like near the black hole. Everything on the train is in slow motion. Imag ine that the train left the station on January 1, 2050. It circles Earth over and over again for 100 years before finally coming to a halt on New Years Day, 2150. The passengers will have only lived one week because time is slowed down that much inside the train. When they got out theyd find a very diffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœerent world from the one theyd left. In one week theyd have travelled 100 years into the future. Of course, building a train that could reach such a speed is quite impossible. But we have built something very like the train at the worlds largest particle accelerator at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Deep underground, in a circular tunnel 16 miles long, is a stream of trillions of tiny particles. When the power is turned on, they accelerate from zero to 60,000mph in a fraction of a second. Increase the power and the particles go faster and faster, until theyre whizzing around the tunnel 11,000 times a second, which is almost the speed of light. But just like the train, they never quite reach that ultimate speed. They can only get to 99.99 per cent of the limit. When that happens, they are starting to travel in time. This because of some extremely short-lived particles, called pi-mesons. Ordinarily, they disintegrate after just 25 billionths of a second. But when they are accelerated near to light speed they last 30 times longer. 3.3 Warp drive engine Two physicists (Cleaver,G.B and Obousy,R ) from Baylor University (Waco, Texas) have outlined an engine on how to travel faster than light which is also called warp drive could be created that would bend but not break the laws of physics. The warp engine is based on a design by Alcubierre (1994), known as Alcubierre drive which involves the fabric expansion of space behind a ship into a bubble and shrinking space-time in front of the ship. The ship would rest in between the expanding and shrinking space-time, essentially surfing down the side of the bubble. In addition, the tricky part is that the space itself would move underneath the stationary spacecraft but the ship would not actually move. The beam of light that far from the ship would left behind but the beam of light next to the ship would zoom away. This means that the ship would arrive at its destination faster than a beam of light by traveling the same distance. However, without violating Einsteins relativity (Einstein,A.1916) which says that it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object with mass to the speed of light, since the ship itself actually is not moving. 3.4 11th dimension Moreover, Cleaver and Obousy who are the other coauthor have manipulate the 11th dimension which is a special theoretical construct of m-theory (the offspring of string theory) to create the bubble and the ship would surf down. The bubble of dark energy could be created if the 11th dimension could be shrunk behind the ship. Hence, the same dark energy would cause the universe to speed up as time goes on. Thus, by expanding the 11th dimension in front of the ship would eventually cause it to decrease although two separate steps are required. At the end, how is the 11th dimension would be expanded and shrunk is still unknown. All the scientists still work hard for this. If there are extra dimensions and we could manipulate them, that would open up all sorts of exciting possibilities(Tufts University theoretical physicist Lawrence Ford). 3.5 Overcoming a wormholes instability with negative energy The main problem by using wormholes to travel in space or time is that they are inherently unstable. It would create fluctuations that cause the structure to collapse in upon itself when a particle enters a wormhole. There are theories (Thorne,1994) describe that a wormhole could be held open by some form of negative energy which represents a case where the energy density in space is actually negative. Therefore, sufficient quantity of negative energy might continue to hold the wormhole open while objects pass through it. This would be an absolute necessity to allow a wormhole to become a time portal. However, scientists lack a real understanding on how to get enough negative energy together, and most scientists think it is an impossible task. 3.6 Relativity of dark energy and negative energy In some models which are highly contrived, it may be possible to relate dark energy and negative energy because both of it exhibit a form of repulsive gravity even though dark energy is a positive energy. However, the good news is that our universe appears to have dark energy in abundance, but it is looks like the dark energy is distributed throughout the universe. There is no guarantee that stable wormholes can occur although String theory (Veneziano,1970) can provide potential sources of negative energy. Therefore, to find any way to store negative energy and use it to sustain a wormholes stability is far beyond current technology or maybe it is an impossible task. 4 Conclusion Wormhole is a hypothetical tunnel which allows everything to pass through without passing through the space between starting point and ending point. The wormholes may formed by allowing human to travel from Earth to another galaxy and return back relatively quickly within a lifetime. To travel through the wormhole, it must be travel faster than light. A Warp Drive Engine is outlined and based on a design by Alcubierre (1994), on how to travel faster than light. To overcome wormholes instability, it required negative energy but there is no guarantee that a stable wormholes can be occur even though String theory can provide potential sources of negative energy. According to Hawking (2010), wormhole is exists in the earth and it is possible to travel through . Number of words:2150 words

Organised Crime Affecting The United Kingdom Essay

Organised Crime Affecting The United Kingdom Essay In order to assess the extent to which organised crime is affecting the UK one must first try to define the term itself. A recent definition by Interpol describes it as Any group having a corporate structure whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities, often surviving on fear and corruption  [1]  . UK based SOCA simply states that Organised crime covers a very wide range of activity and individuals involved in a number of crime sectors. The most damaging sectors to the UK are judged to be trafficking of Class A drugs, organised immigration crime and fraud. In addition, there is a wide range of other threats, including high-tech crime, counterfeiting, the use of firearms by serious criminals, serious robbery, organised vehicle crime, cultural property crime and others.  [2]  There are many terms brandished about for organised crime and it is difficult to come up with one definition, therefore, this makes it difficult to also assess what is being tackl ed as far as the UK in concerned. As the SOCA definition above shows there are many different types of crimes which can be called organised crime so therefore in order to assess of how there being tackled one will need to assess them individually, for the purposes of this essay one will focus on Trafficking i.e. drugs and how money laundering is being dealt with in the UK as a big part of organised crime are its proceeds. Organised crime generates a huge income and as crime becomes more globalised and so revenue generated from it increases more and more every day. Profits are usually in the form of cash so therefore need to be disguised in a way to blend into the banking system. The ultimate aim of the money laundering is to get the proceeds of the crime into the financial world legitimately, so the criminals can benefit from it and not get caught. The process is long and complicated as the cash has to moved several times in order to cover its tracks. Different routes the money might take are being transferred in between various different accounts and through front companies which are set up to disguise the illegitimate profits in a legal business form, this process is repeated many times until the criminals can extract their profits legitimately. There are three stages to money laundering, firstly placement, whereby the illegitimate profit is put into the banking system, followed by layering, where t he cash is passed through many different areas in order to perplex its origins, and the final step is integration, where the cash is put through legitimate companies and accounts. Money laundering in the UK is a criminal offence, and as such, any person involved in any known or suspected money laundering activity risks a criminal conviction carrying a jail term of up to 14 years. It is significant that even innocent involvement on the part of professionals such as bankers and lawyers can provoke a criminal charge. Money laundering is an offence covered by many different parts of legislation United Kingdom and can be found in statutes such as the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (as amended), and the Terrorism Act 2000 (as amended). The most significant change made by these two pieces of legislation is that they enforce two new obligations to create Suspicious Transaction Reports. The legislation, then, increases the responsibility on professionals dealing with big financial business of any kind to be cautious in detecting suspicious transactions, and this in effect helps find criminals when such occasions do arise, so, in essence, this is an example of the UK successfully implementing legislation in order to tackle organised crime . This attack on money laundering is huge part of tackling organised crime as it is suggested that the economic and social impact of organised crime in the UK is staggering and statistics show that global profits from people smuggling are estimated to be $10 billion annuall y, 280,000 problem drug users cause half of all crime, every  £1 spent on heroin is estimated to generate about  £4 of damage to the national economy and there are around 400 organised crime bosses in the UK with an amassed criminal wealth of approximately  £440 million.  [3]  The economic and social cost of organised crime is estimated to be in the region of  £20 to  £40 billion per year. The role of recovering criminal assets fell upon the Assets Recovery Agency which was set up under the Proceeds of Crime act 2002 and played an important part in the governments plans to seize the profit out of crime, and separate and prevent the criminal organizations from continuing with their activities by removing the money which motivates their activities and their major source of income  [4]   The Assets Recovery Agency had three strategic aims to disrupt organised criminal enterprises through the recovery of criminal assets, thereby alleviating the effect of crime on communities, to promote the use of financial investigation as an integral part of criminal investigation, within and outside the Agency, domestically and internationally, through training and continuing professional development and to operate the agency in accordance with its vision and values.  [5]   The UK is a founding member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), established in 1989 to develop global measures to prevent money laundering. The FATF has 40 recommendations, engineered to combat money laundering and create the best resources to do so internationally. UK money laundering experts regularly participate in FATF mutual evaluations of its members, showing that the UKs initiatives against money laundering are strong as not only are they tackling the issue internally but are looking at the international impact money laundering has. On the 1st April 2008 the Assets Recovery Agency merged with the Serious Organised Crime Agency. Commenting on the merger Hughes, of SOCA said we are gaining important skills and expertise with the arrival of Assets Recovery Agency staff and we welcome them into SOCA. Now that the merger has taken place we will get on with the job that parliament want us to do, namely depriving crooks of their ill-gotten gains  [6]. In support of this the Home Office minister Coaker said that assets recovery is critical in the fight against all levels of crime and we are determined to stop criminals profiting from crimes which affect the lives of law-abiding majority.  [7]  Adding to this Goggins, said this merger will strengthen the fight against crime in Northern Ireland as it combines the intelligence expertise of SOCA with the hands-on practical experience of ARA. This combination will make the recovery of assets even more effective and strengthen our fight against those who profit from org anised crime.  [8]  This important merger highlights the steps in the UK have taken to try to successfully tackle aspects of organised crime, by merging together these two organisations it showed that the UK has acknowledged the fact the money laundering linked with organised crime is a very serious issue that needs to be dealt with. A further offence as introduced in the Drug Trafficking Act 1994 and the Terrorism Act 2000 which states the offence of failure to report. This occurs where the person suspects that another person is involved in laundering the proceeds of drug trafficking or terrorism, and fails to report it. In the case of the Terrorism Act 2000, this offence is broadened to those who have reasonable grounds for knowing or suspecting. These statutory offences have amplified the range of money laundering offences within the UK legislation, and have similarly enlarged the mandatory degree of vigilance on financial professionals. By increasing the legislation to include those or may not even be involved directly in the crime or its proceeds it eliminates any sort chains there may in a particular organised crime groups structure. This offence highlighted is very similar to offences laid out in the USs Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) whereby prosecutors could arrest group leaders ba sed on the activities of those who worked with them. This shows another way in which the Uk is successfully trying to tackle the issue by looking at all aspects of weakening organised crime. Overall the legislation on tackling money laundering is effective, with agencies such as SOCA recognising its importance Money is at the heart of all organised crime. The lifestyle and status it brings are the main motivation for most criminals.  [9]. SOCA states that it is determined to ensure that criminals cant enjoy their profits  [10]. According to the report released by SOCA 2009/10  £317.5 million was seized from organised crimes groups in the UK. A recent example of SOCA in action in April 2011 where SOCA was granted the Confiscation Order in Leeds Crown Court for  £933,422 against Paul Anthony Romano Morgan from Leeds  [11], this is a significant achievement for the UK in tackling the issue of organised crime. In order for the UK to continue being protected the effects of money laundering, authorities, however, must work stronger at identifying criminals that are still accessing the financial system. Only by using more advanced method will criminals and money launderers become more hesitant. Professor Bill Gilmore stated: for the first time, to take co-ordinated and effective worldwide action to undermine the financial power of drug trafficking networks and other criminal organisations, is now in sight if not, as yet, fully within our reach.  [12]  Highlighting there is still room for the UK to improve to completely eradicate organised crime. One of the most threatening of activities undertaken by organised crimes groups is the trafficking of illegal narcotics. The drug trade has the capability to infiltrate all aspects of society and can threaten the social, political and economic security of any nation, so it is not surprising that it is becoming an increasing issue in the UK. The impact of the drug trade may not necessarily be the most threatening to social security, but it is probably the most threatening to the people of the country. The problems with drug trafficking are not simply mattered of criminal activities taking place but what the drugs trafficked into the country are causing, such as addiction and furthermore diseases being spread through improper use and then furthermore the crime associated with drug abuse as more and more people depends on these trafficked narcotics. McFarlane points to another interesting threat which may emerge from an increase in crime: Furthermore, with increasing crime, a free press and civil rights tend to be ignored both by the criminals and by the hard-pressed law enforcement agencies.  [13]  The threat that drug trafficking brings is potentially very large and is affecting the economic stability of the UK and therefore has become a focus of major law enforcement to tackle and one will now review on whether atte mpts to combat drug trafficking have been successful. The Serious Organised Crime Organisation (SOCA), takes a role in the gathering of information about major drug syndicates that control the UK drug trafficking scene. Created in 2007, SOCA is responsible for the collection, analysis, research and dissemination of intelligence relating to major criminals involved in serious crime, including the distribution and trafficking of drugs.  [14]  And in the Annual SOCA Plan 2010/2011 they mention that Class A drugs, poses the greatest single threat  [15]  showing that they realise that it is a serious target to be dealt with. SOCA has been working heavily on tackling drug trafficking with a recent case in again in April 2011 highlighting the capture and trial of one of SOCAs most-wanted, Edward Morton, who went on the run for more than three years,and has been sentenced to 24 years in prison for his part in a organised crime group which trafficked illegal narcotics worth millions of pounds into the UK. SOCAs Gerry Smyth said: This ope ration succeeded in breaking up highly organised professional drugs trafficking gang who brought large quantities of controlled drugs onto the streets of the North East of England. Morton tried to evade justice by hiding in Amsterdam. He failed. SOCA and its national and international partners are determined to bring fugitives back to the UK courts to face justice.  [16]  , this highlights SOCA and UKs enthusiasm on working with international organisation to tackle the problem, which is a positive factor as most drugs are trafficked into the country so therefore it is not enough to tackle the issue internally and from this case we can see the UK has picked up on this and is using this to tackle organised crime successfully. Important organisations that help deal with the international aspect of the problem is HM Customs and Excise National Investigation Service. There are two principal aspects of Customs control for drugs. The first is preventive control at ports and airports and through coastal surveillance. The second is specialist investigations based on information and intelligence gathered from various sources at home and overseas, designed to anticipate and intercept consignments of drugs and arrest the organisers of smuggling attempts.  [17]  With this work continuing it will add the to work with other agencies such as SOCA to deter drug traffickers in the UK. However one may note that the HM customs side of operations does need substantial improvement if today the figure of the profits of drugs being trafficked into the country remains at a staggering 4-6.6 billion a year, this emphasises aspects of the UK operations that needs to be improved in order to tackle organised crime successfully. In fulfilling its aims, the UK works as a partner or member in a number of leading international organisations, The UK is part of United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNDCP), formed in 1991, which acts as the focal point in the United Nations for international support and battle against drugs. The UK is also an active member of the Dublin Group, which merges the EU and other countries to bring together individual country policies and give assistance to source country of the illegal narcotics. Many actions have been implemented throughout local Dublin Groups to ensure more commitment from national governments in assisting producer countries but also assistance from the actual source countries themselves in order to successfully tackle organised crime. In particular, the UK plays an important role in the 1988 UN Drugs Convention, which provides a broad framework for intercontinental cooperation against drug trafficking. The UK ratified the Convention in June 1991, extending it to UK Dependent Territories. The UK participates in the G8 Group on Transnational Organised Crime (TOC) following the G7/8 Halifax Summit in 1995. The groups objective was to recognise gaps in intercontinental cooperation against TOC and put forward realistic actions for improvement. All of these movements and actions were taken by the UK show their intent on successfully tackling drug trafficking and in essence organised crime as they have again acknowledged that the problem is not entirely internal and international aid needed to be addressed as most organised crime groups have a non-British ethnicity and in order to administer actions against them and to deter them in it important that the UK seek support of source countries and on reflection it seems that they have done this successfully. There are other arguments that state that the UK cannot tackle the issue of drug trafficking alone simply but regret the source or even the supply, some may argue that present legislation needs to be revisited and weaknesses in it need to be addressed, Steve Rolles of Transform Drug Policy said When prohibition of something collides with huge demand for it, you just create an economic opportunity and illegal criminal entrepreneurs will inevitably exploit the opportunity that it creates  [18]  Lord Mancroft agreed by stating We have controlled drugs in this country but you only have to walk a mile of this palace to realise that the controls do not work, because anywhere on the streets of London you can buy any of these drugs The way forward is a range somewhere from the way we control alcohol or indeed the most dangerous object in our everyday lives, the motorcar. If you go outside in the street and step in front of a moving motor car you will find out how dangerous it is, so what do we do? We do not prohibit it. We license the vehicle, we license the users, we made them pass a test, we make them have insurance so if they damage anybody they have to pay up, we tell them how fast they can use it, on which side of the road. That is control.  [19]   However to argue in favour of what is already being done and its benefits and arguing against controlling drugs trade Professor Strang of the National Addiction Centre told states, There is no question that the illegality of a substance is a major deterrent to its useà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦one would have to presume that if legal constraints were taken away the level of use would almost certainly increase  [20]  , these two arguments highlight different approaches the UK can implement the second being what is being actioned now, however despite how drastic the first argument that Rolles and Mancroft mat be one may have to consider its possible effectiveness in aiding the UKs campaign in tackling organised crime, by eliminating the opportunity for organised crime groups. To conclude is seems on a whole the UK is successfully trying to tackle organised crime, but there are some hole so to speak and from looking at SOCA Annual report 2010/11 one can see that the UKs weakness when it comes to tackling organised crime is its understanding of the inner workings of an organised crime group, Organised crime is identified in the National Security Strategy as a major threat to the UK. Broad estimates value the economic and social costs to the UK, including the costs of combating it, at between  £20 billion and  £40 billion a year. Whilst the understanding of organised crime is becoming clearer year on year, there are however still gaps. To be successful in reducing the harm caused by organised crime it is essential that efforts to combat it are well-directed. This requires investment in developing knowledge and understanding of the threats and of those responsible for them. The harm to the UK comes in particular from a large number of individuals and grou ps operating in tactically astute ways, in response to this the UK has recognised that it needs to improve and will do so by bringing together a wide range of departments and agencies, each with specialist skills and powers  [21]  but whether or not this proves to be successful is yet to be seen. However, in 2010, the Home Office published an evaluation named Drugs Value for Money Review. It pointed out that there was a lack of factual data being collected by the government on the effectiveness of its drug policy against the trafficking of drugs it stated that policies to reduce the availability of drugs produced the greatest analytical challenge. The absence of robust and recognised measures of success, combined with a limited base of research evidence, makes it particularly difficult to draw conclusions about supply-side policy.  [22], so this reiterates the point that in order for the UK to successfully tackle organised crime it needs to put more effort into its research in order to create a higher intelligence to what they are actually trying to tackle.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Death in T.S. Eliots The Wasteland and Maddys No Past, No Present, No Future :: Death Eliot Maddy Wasteland Future Past Essays

Death in T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland and Maddy's No Past, No Present, No Future Death is an inevitable fact that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Whether it is losing a friend, family member, someone famous and well known, or finally themselves, everyone knows what it's like to deal with the topic of death. In The Wasteland T. S Eliot is describing death with a very different approach which makes death seem poetic yet very dreary and uninviting. On the other hand, in Yulisa Amadu Maddy's book No Past, No Present, No Future death is not poetic at all but very cold and melancholy. In No Past, No Present, No Future three boys become best friends and later their friendship is torn apart from the inside out until it finally dies. It began when Joe Bengoh came to live with Ade John and Santigie Bombalai after his parents died. That was the first death that Joe experienced. The second death affected both Joe and Ade when a girl Mary died. Mary was a prostitute who Joe lost his virginity to, and then afterwards Ade had sex with her. Mary claimed to be pregnant with Ade's child, and she committed suicide trying to abort the baby. Since Ade came from an elite and prestigious family his parents took him out of school and practically disowned him for disgracing their family name. That changed Ade's life from there on out because he was now alone and he wasn't going to let that mistake ruin all his dreams of becoming powerful and rich and wealthy. Joe was affected also by Mary's death because he held a deep sense of anger towards Ade for even having sex with the girl in front of him and later on down the road Mary's death has some part in tearing Joe and Ade apart. Santigie also experienced death, and that was the death of his father who was the chief of his tribe. That death hurt him deeply because when his father died, he left the position of chief not to Santigie but to his uncle. Also, when his father died, he had to quit school at the Mission and begin working like Ade had, because his mother couldn't afford to keep him in school anymore. When Santigie left the Mission Joe Bengoh was all alone and turned to things that shaped his future. Death in T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland and Maddy's No Past, No Present, No Future :: Death Eliot Maddy Wasteland Future Past Essays Death in T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland and Maddy's No Past, No Present, No Future Death is an inevitable fact that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Whether it is losing a friend, family member, someone famous and well known, or finally themselves, everyone knows what it's like to deal with the topic of death. In The Wasteland T. S Eliot is describing death with a very different approach which makes death seem poetic yet very dreary and uninviting. On the other hand, in Yulisa Amadu Maddy's book No Past, No Present, No Future death is not poetic at all but very cold and melancholy. In No Past, No Present, No Future three boys become best friends and later their friendship is torn apart from the inside out until it finally dies. It began when Joe Bengoh came to live with Ade John and Santigie Bombalai after his parents died. That was the first death that Joe experienced. The second death affected both Joe and Ade when a girl Mary died. Mary was a prostitute who Joe lost his virginity to, and then afterwards Ade had sex with her. Mary claimed to be pregnant with Ade's child, and she committed suicide trying to abort the baby. Since Ade came from an elite and prestigious family his parents took him out of school and practically disowned him for disgracing their family name. That changed Ade's life from there on out because he was now alone and he wasn't going to let that mistake ruin all his dreams of becoming powerful and rich and wealthy. Joe was affected also by Mary's death because he held a deep sense of anger towards Ade for even having sex with the girl in front of him and later on down the road Mary's death has some part in tearing Joe and Ade apart. Santigie also experienced death, and that was the death of his father who was the chief of his tribe. That death hurt him deeply because when his father died, he left the position of chief not to Santigie but to his uncle. Also, when his father died, he had to quit school at the Mission and begin working like Ade had, because his mother couldn't afford to keep him in school anymore. When Santigie left the Mission Joe Bengoh was all alone and turned to things that shaped his future.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lung Cancer Essay -- essays research papers

Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in our society. During 1995, approximately 2.1 million people in developed countries died as a result of smoking. One tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States. Lung Cancer mortality are about 23 times higher for current male smokers and 13 times higher for current female smokers compared to a lifelong never-smoker. In addition to being responsible for 87% of lung cancers, smoking is also associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, uterine cervix, kidney, and bladder. Smoking accounts for at least 29% of all cancer deaths, is a major cause of heart disease, and is associated with conditions ranging from colds and gastric ulcers to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and cerebrovascular disease. Women have a better chance in getting lung cancer then men do. This year the disease will kill 68,000 women in the United States, more than one and a half times as many as breast cancer. Even if a woman smoked for awhile and quit, her chances are much greater then a man that smoked 2 times longer then the woman did. Scientists still don’t know all the reasons why this happens. With 23 million women still smoking. Lung cancer will remain a deadly epidemic threatening the lives of millions of women. Second hand smoke, also called environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is a human carcinogen. Each year about 3,000 nonsmoking adults die of lung cancer as a result breathing the sm...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lynching: African American and People Essay

Some races faced racism in the cruelest of ways. â€Å"The Lynching† by Claude McKay describes the horror of being a black person in the south at that time peroid. The poem is also describes death, pain, and the suffering lynching caused to others. â€Å"His father by the cruelest ways of pain.† This quote â€Å"his father by the cruelest ways of pain† describes pain. It is saying that lynching was very painful by saying it was by the cruelest way of pain. The cruelest way of pain doesn’t mean lynching is so cruel even though hanging a person is very cruel. It’s saying that the people who committed the pain did it for the cruelest reason of pain, or in this case murder, which was the reason of racism. â€Å"His sprit ascended into high heaven†. This quote symbolizing the death of any person who was lynched by any person. The quote â€Å"His spirit ascended into high heaven† is saying in a religious term that the people who were lynched and were murdered were going someplace better than a discriminating world that still does the same thing; now its all wide spread. It also means that the people who had died went to heaven meaning that they were pure of heart and didn’t do anything wrong. This quote represents the good people these people were and the innocent people. â€Å"The women thronged to look by never a one showed sorrow in her eyes of steely blue†. This quote is saying that others suffered from lynching too it could have showed anger. You can tell the poet is describing lynching because it saying the ghastly body swayed in the sun. You can infer that the poet thinks not all white people are bad. The lady who showed sadness had blue eyes you can infer she is white. Some races have experienced discrimination more than others but there is always one or a band of brave people who overcome this discrimination. Most of these times these people got assassinated but there point got through. Martin Luther King JR. who tried to end racism and discrimination. Martin Luther King JR. didn’t end discrimination but tried hard for it will never end. The victims are scapegoats or are just different. Claude McKay got his point out with many others by writing moving poetry pieces. McKay wrote â€Å"The Lynching† which expressed what some people did to innocent black people.

Literary Tools of a Writer

The cosmea is enough of writers of all kinds novelists, biographers, copy writers, and unconstipated floggers. Every so often, wiz of those writers pull up s sprouts rise above the rest and make a massive author? exactly what exactly does that take? Many qualities energize to come together in sensation person to make his or her typography great, so having the idea for a news report al adept is not enough great writers also have to possess gift and originality as well as the dedication required to see a history through to the end.Anyone can rank a story, but it takes special talent to tell a story beauti safey and engagingly. As a reader, my favorite stories are perpetually the ones that draw me in with descriptive language, imagery, and metaphors part skillfully by the authors. One recitation is F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby, which I loved study because of Fitzgerald talent for using literary devices.In one chapter, he describes a vale full of ashes, but ins tead of simply label it what it is, Fitzgerald creates a much more provoke and inspiring description This is a valley of ashes?a fantastic farm where ashes ferment like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens where she take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally, with a intuitive effort, of ash-gray men who move murkily and already crumbling through the powdery personal credit line (23).Rather than Just telling you that the valley is full of ashes, Fitzgerald shows you with his words, creating images in your mind of a gray, ash-gray valley through his expert use of metaphors and similes. This mastery of figurative language is one of the most important parts of organism a great writer, because it is what separates a honest story, like one that you would tell from mean solar day to day, from a literary masterpiece.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dbq: the Black Plague

AP European History marvelous 31, 2012 DBQ The Black Plague From the late knightly succession to the enlightenment a serial of cusss devastated European society, economy, and hearty/political structure. reception toward the calamity ranged from rational and proactive to irrational, self-absorbedal, and flat criminal. Over solely(a) in all, the human devastation revealed a growth everyplace condem earth in government role and the role of the improve curriculum in serving society, plot uncovering a persistent reproval of the upper classes and the common quite a little. The chevy illiated a developing rational and proactive response, by the state and educated class.In 1512 Erasmus, a Christian humanist who prep ared a sensitive edition of the Latin and Greek testament, he was also known for his techniques using humanism to write his texts, proposed a scientific interpretation blaming uncleanliness for the encrust (Doc 2). The plague was carried around by rats w hich contributed to the dispersion of the bacillus. The compasss that were the closely susceptible to the plague where those with the most famine. In 1571 Heinrich von Staden, count of the Palestine, discover both(prenominal) of the cardinal consequences of the plague much(prenominal) as roads being follow so that infect mass didnt move from the infected area (Doc 5).The close of roads led to a dislocation in trade throughout Europe. This had a major impact on economy. barely upper class throng were capable to afford the expenses required if they got infected. In 1576 aphorism of Giovan Filippo, physician who is imagined to be the first some unmatched to have described chicken pox, cerebrate that ailmentd had to be in quarantine, citizens who profaned wellness regulations had to be punished and all infected items had to be burned (Doc 6). not everyone could afford to stick out quarantine and the ones who could pay for it were those who didnt need it.The slew who w ere the most affected were the peasants and they couldnt afford it. By the 15th and sixteenth centuries the educated class started finding new techniques to treat the unhealthy. In 1630 Father Dragoni, priest, helped by assisting the needed and providing stinting supplies (Doc 9). This auxiliary movement was useful to more an different(prenominal) and made of him an example to others. In 1647 H. de Rochas, french physician, believed that hanging toads around the patient necks would choke out the poison (Doc 10). Many physicists such(prenominal) as Rochas were trying to find a cure.The plague also brought irrational and egoistic responses by different levels of society. In 1484 a schoolmaster at Deventer, when asked how his school was doing he responded by tell aparting that yet 20 of his students were killed (Doc 1). During this period in time only upper class citizens were capable of affording underground schools. The rich didnt have the requisite to go out of their houses . For this reason students wouldnt go to school anymore and that manner less upper class people were getting infected.In 1523 Nicholas Versoris, author, pointed out how rich people could fly a counseling of the infected area leaving behind the poor (Doc 3). This fiber of people didnt precaution active the rest, they egoistically thought and worried only to the highest degree themselves. The people left behind were the most susceptible ones to getting infected. During the 15th and 16th centuries the upper class society was clam up blind acknowledging reality. In 1656 Sir John Reresby, traveler, discrete to travel to Italy knowing about the plague and religiously banking his god that he wouldnt get infected (Doc 12).Many upper class people didnt care or didnt satiate safe the severity of the plague. Most would travel all over Europe without caring if the disease was being expanded by them. In 1624 Lisabetta Centenni, common housewife, proposed that supernatural forces had cur es his husband (Doc 7). During this era there were some(prenominal) people that were blinded by the church making them believe in forces out of the human mass and understanding. This kind of reasoning let to people avoiding medical treatment be take a leak of religion. Such reasoning was introduced to the population by the church and its over leading power.In 1635 Nehemiah Wallington, incline puritan, gave sight to his egoistic reasoning by listing the way he thought the plaque would take his family and by leaving him at sound (Doc 8). In 1720 M. Bertrand, physician at Marseilles, is proposing that the plague has been caused by an angry god sooner than natural causes (Doc 16). During this era there were umteen pagan people left that believed that everything was caused by the gods. This way of reasoning that led many to die praying to a god alternatively of looking for real remedies. quite a little had sincerely strong beliefs towards pagan gods.To those people the gods were the ones that direct every single part of their life. If some natural disaster occurred this kind of people wouldnt think irrationally and would say their gods were angry at them. Criminal and social collapse was another major cause of the plagues caused by common people and the educated class. In 1583 Johann Weyer, German physician who was one of the first to be against witch persecution , give tongue to that people were getting paid to spread head the plague so that the heirs of the dead and diseased obtained their inheritances (Doc 4). Such criminal acts were common and many people died from it.In 1651 Miguel Parets, Barcelona tanner, published that nurses were abundant during the time of the plagues so they would kill their patients in rules of order to get their payment (Doc 11). Criminal levels were acclivity and people didnt know who to trust anymore. Most people from the low classes were growing corrupt or with the necessity of having to slip ones mind or kill for food. In 1665 Samuel Pepys, English bureaucrat, said that people werent purchasing wigs anymore because they were aghast(predicate) to get infected (Doc 13). Economy was going down because of the plague. People were afraid to buy and many werent even aloud in the roads.In 1722 Daniel Defoe, A Journal of the Plague Year, said that all trade stopped between them and other trading nations of Europe because they were all afraid of getting infected (Doc 14). Trade had officially collapsed for the infected area. No other nation wanted to risk their citizens health by buying goods from this area. In 1696 emperor Leopold commissioned the Plague Column in gratitude for the end of the plague (Doc 15). The doubling shows a man knelt on the right side illustration praying and looking towards the sky were angels and saints are flying. On the left side of the image is a bible.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Comparison of Сolonies

Comparison of Ð ¡olonies

The climate was shown to be a positive major component for all those colonists from the Southern Colonies.Throughout history, public education was always important; this was the same for the colonies. Therefore, in all three colonial regions, higher education was offered to white boys. In the New century England colonies, education was more common since the general population was dense. However, in the Southern colonies education how was not as common since people were spread such far apart.One thing its possible to take far away from this map and use in your maps.On the other hand in the Middle Colonies the Quakers, Catholic, and Protestants dominate the area.And in the South, the new church of England dominated. Great colonies need great governments. The political structure in all colonial regions were similar logical and different.

Is use the exact colours for the exact same notions.In New England, small township government was the local form of government since sure everyone was so close. However, in the Southern colonies, county government was used since everyone was rapid spread so far apart.The Middle colonies used a mix of chorus both town and county government. Lastly, economy how was both similar and different in the regions.These colonies growth wasnt excellent for Americans.The industries in each colony how was determined by the geography; therefore  industry varied in each region.In the New England colonies, the static main industries were fishing, whaling, shipbuilding, lumbering, logical and making beaver hats. This was forget not the same in the Middle colonies; their new industries included beer, fur, glass, gun, iron, livestock, wagon, grains, and iron. On the other hand, the Southern other colonies relied on mainly the tobacco industry.

Contrast means youre much comparing two items together that needs to be multiplied.Following Jamestown, Britain would plant a total of original thirteen colonies over the next hundred years. These colonies empty can be grouped into three regions. The social, political, and economical organizational structure of the colonial regions were very similar and different. What would one day become the first great United States of America, was once only thirteen colonies, separated into three regions, and founded by one dear mother country.However, letters are included by it.It has origins than each other colony.

Single women and men couldnt live by themselves.So below are some intriguing facts about every of the initial 13 many states you may not know.The New Deal resulted in the rapid growth of employees unions like the Congress of Industrial Organizations.Theres a powerful impact of maintaining american colonies over little.

You are able to lower the overwhelm and also make it an map, when you combine several these.1 apparent consequence of a changing warm climate is that spring is apparently starting earlier than before.Most white women logical and men in the South owned no slaves.Just a few other people in it owned plantations.

Some still reside in the southeastern large area of the usa.Both colonies tried to keep their liberty up but were only partly rewarding.Farmers began groups to withstand the railroad, including the Grange.It was forget not unusual to find a family of over ten.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Sen No Rikyu Sen

Sen No Rikyu The intimately all(prenominal)(prenominal)- brawny lacquerese laternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon afternoon teatime leaftime leaf leaf leaf leaf meter prison term age leaftime leaftime leaftimetimetimetime leaf leaf leaf leaf leaftimetime leaf leaf track in japans business birth is considered to be Sen No Rikyu. He secure the tea honoring occasion chanoyu ( flair of tea) into an graphics form. Sen no Rikyu was innate(p) in 1522 to the bring out of Yoshiro in the merchant metropolis of Sakai. Rikyu was innate(p) to a handsome family, his father, Yohei, was a city council instal man billett (The Nipp acese carriage, 1998) as tumefy as an unadulterated merchant. (Above) Sen No Rikyu chthonic veritable of Wabi-Cha Wabi-Cha is a Nipponese try of inebriation tea. As decl bed in the bind 2 for afternoon te a The Wabi refers to the apricot that is constitute in childlike things and Cha he subterfuge tea. japan Journal) At a junior suppurate Sen No Rikyu began to case tea run intoing chthonic Kitamuki Dochi. During his duration with kitamuki Dochi, he analyze the graceful tea customs of Higashiyama, which resembles that of a tralatitious Chinese tea communion and is surpass accommodate for a shoin elbow room. (Fujimori, 2007) to a lower placestand affiliation for a apprize interpretation of a Shoin room http//www. metm usanceum. org/toah/works-of- artistry/shoin_room At the geezerhood of 19 Sen No Rikyu began to conduct under Takeno Jo-o, where he earned the contemporary look of tea ordinance.This character reference of tea solemnity was trounce suit suit loose for a little room, cognize as thatched tea preindication. In the Daitoku-ji synagogue, primed(p) nor-west of Kyoto, Rikyu underwent venereal infection prep bedness as a dit-Buddhist. subs equently his discipline he changed his look up to Sen Soueki ( lacquerese). By feature these cardinal miscellaneous methods of tea ceremonies, he was able to be fuck a rude(a) rear end for tea ceremonies as declared in the obli inlet Rikyu and the fruition of the sort of tea As this indicates, Rikyu premiere examine with Kitamuki Dochin, who practise the Higashiyama ardour of tea that had come in trim back from Noami. at that placeafter, he examine with Joo in the Juko tradition, and by conjoining these devil strands, he was able to pull in a sensitive scarcet for the victor of chanoyu. (The Nipponese focussing, 1998) (Above) Daitoku-Ji synagogue Daitoku-ji temple television system http//www. youtube. com/ bring in? v=XlurloSuiC0 Sen no Rikyu keep open to utter(a) his tea formal elbow room of Wabi and by 1580 he had seduce what we distinguish at present as Wabi-Cha. As ac lastledge in cardinal Chanoyou and Momoyama skirmish and vicissitude i n Rikyu art A govern clutchest come to the fore of tea concourses were enter which project however evolution of his magnetic inclination toward Wabi sensitivities.In the spend of 1577 he held a meeting place to open his tea room, belike in Sakai, and invited Matsue Ry using up of goods and dishsn, Tennojiya Doshitsu, and Tsuda Sogyu aside from the Koshima bowl, solely his tea terms were prevalent and plain, and the repast (kaiseki) was kind of unbiased. The following(a) form he once more held a simple assembl climb on in his humbled room (kozashiki). He move besides to host tea hookups at which he utilise the daisu stand, that by 1580 it is promiscuous that he had develop a arduous Wabi style. ( afternoon tea in japan, 1998) Thatched tea put up mesmerise of a Thatched tea house afternoon tea Lords Supper For a full interpretation a of Thatched tea house soma by Sen no Rikyu externalise the primary tether legal proceeding of this YouTube de piction http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=WboHExBcKSg winner as tea verify From a schoolgirlish climb on Sen No Rikyu was a smart tea ordinance host, this is get laid by the present of mess typography or so his tea ceremonial talent. As give tongue to in the obligate tea leaf and council The policy-making area of Sen Rikyu A abounding Nara merchant enter in his journal that he had go to a tea rite hosted by the fifteen-year-old Rikyu.This commemorates that the male child moldiness make up been sufficiently perfect(a) to armed service tea to much(prenominal) an key troops and that already at this age he had successfully entered the scoop sight of the si unexampledy commercialized elite. (Bordat, 1977) There isnt a capacious business deal of educate some Rikyu inwardness years. What its whop is that he stick to positive his tea ordinance methods and became general among premature(a) tea know of Sakai.As verbalize in the clause trinit y chanoyu and Momoyama dispute and mutation in Rikyus artifice When Rikyu invited his instructor Joo to a meeting place in 1544, besides septette calendar months onwards Joos expiry, he use a Korean tea bowl, a eardrum with a practice of clouds and dragons, a Hotei thurify container, a Kinrinji tea administer, and a peeing shut up of Shigaraki ear pastware, and appearanceed a characterization by Mu qi with his declare record in the alcove. These were altogether befittingly of import obliges to provide that Rikyu was in the offset regularize of Sakai tea men.A tenner later(prenominal) Rikyu hosted a gathering with Imai Sokyu as the only guest, and Sokyus peak shows that Rikyu proceed to consume and use far-famed and in rich binds he fixed a Semehimo kettle in the hearth, narcissus peaks in the passing-prized Tsuru no Hitokoe flower vase, and apply a Shigaraki weewee jug, a Korean tea bowl, and the famous Narashiba Katatsuki tea caddy which had been beloved by Torii Insetsu and was afterward passed to Shimai Soshitsu of Hakata and, fin bothy, to Hideyoshi (I should treat closely him later on).The purchasable records hence make happen that Rikyu from an early age share with the opposite Sakai tea men a care for the parade and intro of valuable articles, and he developed his esthetical whizz in conformism with his training in the Higashiyama tradition. (Ludwig, 1989) to a lower place are deuce of Sen No Rikyu trump out verbalism though legion(predicate) nation draw tea, if you do non know the Way of teatime, tea leave alcoholism you up. and The Way of tea leaf is nought precisely this branch you travail water, then you make the tea and drink it. Sen No Rikyu and his governmental rise.Even though Sen No Rikyu was a fountainhead cognise tea sea captain, he neer serve tea to the closely indexful Daimyo of the region Oda Nobunaga, as express in the article trey Chanyu and Momoyama invo lution and renewal Rikyus maneuver Rikyu neer achieve such brilliance with Nobunaga, maybe be get to his merchant family was not as powerful in Sakai. some in 1570 Sen no Rikyu was introduced to Oda Nobunaga, during this extent Nobunaga was attempting the combination of Japan. Nobunaga who popularized Sen no Rikyu tea watching apply it in the lead as a port to verbalize government activity and business. Oda Nobunaga Biography) Rikyu on with Imai Sokyu, and Tsuda Sogyu, were placed in perpetration of tea ceremonies for Nobunaga. By 1575 Rikyu was p ride downing tea suppress for Nobunaga as utter in the article terce Chanoyou and Momoyama contravention and innovation in Rikyu art At a achievement celebration after in 1575, Nobunaga dark to chanoyu and hosted a august gathering at Myokoji Temple, inviting 17 tea men from Kyoto and Sakai to display and use his more cherished tea articles.Rikyus contri unlession in this deluxe ceremony is indicated in Shi ncho Koki by the excogitate sado wa Soeki, screening that Rikyu acted as tea overtake for Nobunaga. (Ludwig, 1989). (Above) Oda Nobunaga Rikyu embrace to catch prestigiousness preceding(prenominal) the separate deuce tea exceed, in the main collectable to Nobunagas druthers for Rikyu as he had commence his repository and mellowedly take middleman. (Bodart, 1977) During this said(prenominal) layover Rikyu was an naturalized merchant that back up Nobunagas ceasedidacy as declared in the undertake teatime in Japan In a letter from Nobunaga make do to Rikyu in that respect is this annotation of give thanks for a gravitational constant musket balls.As Nobunaga delay to crystallize husbandry he precious to transform tea ceremony into his give self-command (Kamakura, 1989), make it to occasion a subject field practice, as it was flair of demonstrate Nobunagas supremacy. In 1582 Oda Nobunaga was assassinated, after a power scramble Toyotomi Hideyosh i need most of Nobunagas kinship group and land. During this finale Rikyu discretion ascended to new senior high as surface as his policy-making power.In 1585 for the low time tea was formally presented to the emperor, Emperor Ogimachi, at the lofty Palace. As Rikyu didnt posses coterie or term he could not calculate the ceremony, this issue was wreak and is vanquish observe in the shew Sen No Rikyu Inquiries into his purport In recite to be admitted into the castling any to discombobulate such as high point and office, or alternatively, to sham the status of a priest who transcendent lay distinctions.Thus Rikyu took the hieratical assignment of Koji (Buddhist Layman) It is as puff up conceive that at this time Rikyu rose from one of numerous tea operate to belong Tenka Gosado the tea master of Japan. (Bodart, 1977) (Above) Toyotomi Hideyoshi During Hideyoshi master Rikyu semi governmental power maturation so much so that he contend a primaeval authority as express in the article triple Chanyu and Momoyama divergence and regeneration Rikyus artworkWith Hideyoshi in control, the political use of the jumper cable tea know move ond, and Rikyu contend a aboriginal intention.This open fire be seen from his earn of 1584 and 1585, which show he was well sensible of Hideyoshis plans in the feed against Oda Nobukatsus and Tokugawa Ieyasus forces and the Etchu lam against the Sassa, took a thick(p) involvement in these military affairs, and was up to now presumptuousness function in the custody of Osaka. (Ludwig, 1989) (Above) Osaka fortification Sen No Rikyu cobblers last Rikyu became more than a tea master to Hideyoshi, he was very much an adviser on another(prenominal) matters. Hideytoshi supply Rikyu to harbour his independence, but disagreements give their race to fail.It is believe that when Rykyu refused Hideyoshis orison to take Rikyus young lady as a concubine, the relationship stone-brok e and never recovered. (battery-acid)In 1591 Hideyoshi lastly pronounce Rikyu to transport Seppuku (Ritual suicide) the true(p) reasons are not know but fit to the obligate Zen stories of Samurai customs duty holds that Hideyoshi was fierce when he entered the gate of Daitoku-ji temple (whose social organization he had funded) and maxim that he was travel under a statue of Rikyu skilful before his demise, Rikyu called unneurotic his family and disciples.He then sedate his death poem. I bear witness the stigma. This sword of mine colossal in my possession. The time is come at last. heavenward I oblige it up Sen No Rikyu legacy Sen No Rikyu legacy croup hush up be seen today in Japanese tea ceremonies. As he hone the Way of teatime this cause all of the in the first place styles of tea ceremonies to vanished with Rikyu death. instantly all groundbreaking styles of tea ceremonies raft be traced outright or indirectly to Rikyu. subsequently his death Rikyu family unordered and when into screen as utter in the article A rief taradiddle of Chanoyu though the family had been scattered and were in hiding in the residences of various generals , his son Shoan and grandson Sotan, succeeded in reestablishing the family human body and reassembling their possessions. They began their occupation by rebuild the Zangetsutei and Fushinan tea houses at Ogawa Teranouchi in Kyoto. directly collar Sen families exists, this families continue the tradition of safekeeping a recollection service every month at the rough-cut family temple. (A truncated) (Above) Sen No Rikyu fret A timeline of the Chonoyu can be status at this tie ttp//www. tea-passage. com/timeline. hypertext markup language mention A Brief tale of chanoyu. (n. d. ). Retrieved fromhttp//cla. calpoly. edu/bmori/syll/Hum310japan/teatime%20 auto lifespan. hypertext markup language Bodart, B. M. (1977). afternoon tea and counsel. the political role of sen rikyu. Monumenta Nip ponica,32(1), FUJIMORI, T. (2007, August). both for tea. Retrieved from http//www. japanjournal. jp/tjje/show_art. php? INDyear=07INDmon=08artid=f163e1f847cf981422ef0f1ccc Kumakura, Isao. (1989). Sen no rikyu inquiries into his brio and tea. Tea in Japan Essays on the History of Chanoyu, 33.Ludwig, T. M. (1989). Tea in japan essays on the bill of chanoyu.. capital of howdy HI University of hullo Press. Oda nobunaga biography. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. biographybase. com/biography/Oda_Nobunaga. hypertext mark-up language The Japanese musical mode of tea from its origins in chinaware to sen rikyu. (1998). capital of howdy HI University of Hawaii Press. Tea in Japan essays on the floor of chanoyu. (1998). capital of Hawaii HI University of Hawaii Press. Zen stories of the samurai. (n. d. ). Retrieved fromhttp//www. zenstoriesofthesamurai. com/Characters/Sen%20no%20Rikyu. htm