Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fringe of leaves essays

Fringe of leaves essays Recently there have been huge concerns over the excessive use of water in Australia and the resulting impact on our environment. We all realize that it is necassary to preserve our water, especially since we live in the dryest inhabited continent. there are many ways that science can help us to do this. Technology can help us to recycle waste water, storm water and rain water. what can happen is that there can be different systems for certain things that require water. this is allready often used in the home when basin water is reused in out toilets, a very clever idea since each flush of the toilet uses about 11 L of water! Much of our water is supplied by the murray river. infact we are incredibly relient on it as it supplied water to.... towns and cities. But abuse and over use have left the murray damaged and the water flow disturbed. To help fix this problem it has been decided to drain a lake to help replenish the murray water flow. This is dirrectly related to science as i can't imagine it would be easy to transfer all that water without the use of very tecnologically advanced machinary. Plus scientists of many kinds to ensure the ecosystem isn't disrupted, especially a hydrologist to moniter the flow and determine safe amounts of water input and so on, as well as marine biologists to study the possible effects on the wildlife. Science has recently been used in the Yarra Valley to help conserve our water. Tiny little sensors (called micro eletrical sensors) have been invented that can be placed at strategic places around a property that pick up all kinds of information such as wind speed and direction and air and soil moisture. this will help farmers to grow wine with less water and chemicals as they will know where irrigation is needed, often in advance. These sensors used to be big and expensive, but this newest model is a huge feat due to its size (4mm square) and lesser cost ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Dry Ice Science Fair Project Ideas

Dry Ice Science Fair Project Ideas There are a lot of interesting science fair projects you can do using dry ice. Here are some ideas that you can use as-is or can modify to make your own unique science fair project. Dry Ice Projects How can you store dry ice so that it lasts? Caution: Do not place dry ice in a sealed container, since the pressure build-up may cause it to burst.Does dry ice sublimate more quickly in air, water, oil, etc.? Can you explain why?If you put dry ice in water, how cold does the water need to be before the dry ice stops producing fog?Experiment with a dry ice sound lens. Sound travels more slowly in carbon dioxide than it does in air. If you fill a balloon or rubber glove with carbon dioxide by allowing dry ice to sublimate, you can hold the balloon about a foot away from your ear and listen for sounds that normally would appear very faint, such as the ticking of a clock or dropping of a pin. What is the best distance to hold the balloon from your ear? Do both of your ears hear equally well? Be safe! Do not use a balloon that still contains a piece of dry ice or one that is full where it is likely to burst. The popping of a balloon near your ear could cause injury. Just use a balloon or glove that contains a lot of carbon dioxide, but isnt in danger of popping. Can you find a way to harness the power of dry ice sublimation so that it can power a device? A Heros Engine can be made by puncturing opposite sides of a plastic film canister with a tack or pin held by pliers. Tie a loop in a piece of thread and catch the loop between the lid and the container so you can suspend the canister. When you put a piece of dry ice in the canister and close the lid, what happens? What happens if you change the pattern of the holes? What happens if you place the device in water? Not everyone has a film canister available, so you can substitute other containers, but you need to keep in mind your container can burst if too much pressure builds up. Look for containers that have plastic lids that can pop off under pressure.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

DQ1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DQ1 - Essay Example Within change opposing corporations, the administrators characteristically do not get or take note of the awakening calls unless the signals grow to be so throbbing as well as hazardous that they intimidate the corporation's very existence. At this very early on phase during the change, it is vital to recognize and appreciate what awakening calls subsist, what they denote, also what is being done with all of them by those within the positions to set off a modification attempt. The approach of the leaders has a key influence on the sense made of the information within the awakening call. If the leaders at all levels are mindful and open to culture and altering, they will tackle with the awakening call in a different way than if they are not. The changed line of attack that the leaders eventually blueprint will be resolute by their deepness of considering the wake up calls. This is the foremost instance of reality within the change attempt; it can signify the distinction amid an immediate, external change along with the one that is mindful, resolute, and reflective for one and all concerned ( Dean, 2001, pg 79). For instance, if an organization realizes with time that they need to change, they might never be prepared

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analyzing Black History Sites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analyzing Black History Sites - Essay Example The complex was established in year 1989 under the guidance of the Wajumbe Cultural Institution, Inc., and the San Francisco African American Historical Society. The new non-profit organization was named â€Å"The Center for African and African American Art and Culture† (lately the name was simplified). A financing of the organization comes in many different ways. There are two constant funders: The Department of Children, Youth and Family, and The San Francisco Arts Commission. Also there is a donation option for sponsors and people, who just want to support the center or volunteer in its projects. The site is located on 762 Fulton Street (which is the center of the city of San Francisco, CA), and takes up pretty much space (34,000 sq. ft). Such a big territory was received for the center in order to satisfy the Blacks community needs1, which means that the amount of black people in San Francisco is big enough to form quite strong and influential community that wants to devel op its culture and extend it widely. The destiny of Blacks in San Francisco is quite hard; through their history in this city there were many troubles and obstacles appeared in their way to free implementation of their native culture. First African Americans settled in San Francisco in the middle of 19th century as slaves of white owners of their, since early 20th century they began to develop small communities to preserve their culture and stay together to support each other, many black residents came to the city looking for a better life and searching for resources. According to Jan Batiste Adkins’s research, the population of African Americans in San Francisco started to increase in the first part of the 20th century, after the II World War a big amount of Blacks moved to California to work in a big industry. This pretty much expanded the community of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Arthur Reed Case Study Essay Example for Free

Arthur Reed Case Study Essay This case study involves Arthur Reed who works for Blue Grocery Stores Incorporated as a warehouse supervisor (case study, 2010) and is having a difficult time fulfilling staffing requirements during the summer months he has tried some options that didnt fulfill the needs of the business. This case study will help Arthur meet these goals. Staffing Issues The summer months were a staffing headache for the warehouse supervisor at Blue Grocery Stores Incorporated (case study, 2010). Everyone wanted to take their accrued vacation then. After all, summer time was the perfect time for family vacations and activities. What made this staffing issue a bigger headache was the fact that a significant number of employees were calling in for sick days during this time of year as well. Replacement workers hadnt worked in the past so thats another challenge to overcome. Options for Optimum Staffing The first suggestion would be for the company to pay for the costly steel-toed boots for the replacement workers and waive any union dues for the replacement workers (case study, 2010). If for some reason that didnt work, the next suggestion in solving this staffing issue would be to hire a summer temporary force using college students. College students can always use extra money for school. I would suggest that the company to pay for the costly steel-toed boots, this would help attract more potential temporary employees for the summer months. The final option would be to adjust the warehouse hours for the summer time. Instead of working a day and afternoon shift, consolidate both teams of employees into one team with two different starting times, two hours apart. That will optimize the staffing, while eliminating the need to hire temporary employees for the summer. If corporations have to rely on temporary employees to fulfill the needs of the business, then they are risking the business objectives. Temporary employees are just that, temporary, and there is a strong possibility that the company performance would slip in relying on them. There could be compromises and arrangements made with the shipping and receiving of supplies so that the business goals are still obtained. This is the best option if successful, not only does it not rely on temporary employees to fulfill the business needs, this keeps the company budget down while maximizing the resources that are available.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Of Mice And Men Essay examples -- English Literature

Of Mice And Men The novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ reveal life in the 1930’s. A time very diverse to ours. Steinback, the author of this novel wrote about various issues such as lifestyle of the travelling ranchmen, loneliness, friendship, the American dream, racism and sexism. The book is about two migrant labourers, George Milton and Lennie Small in California. Together they have a dream to save up enough to own a farm where George is his own boss and Lennie can have animal to feed and pet. But the failure of their dream is followed by many ironic twists. In this essay, I will be discussing the main issues Steinback raised through the novel about that lifestyle that revolved around ranchmen in the early 1930’s. The main characters are George Milton and Lennie small. Lennie in the novel is the least dynamic and largely mentally challenged. He has a tendency of petting soft things even dead mice and loves puppies and rabbits. He is enormously strong but emotionally dependant on his companion George who keeps reassuring him about their future. George the other character is Lennie’s best friend. He dreams of owning his own ranch. He is very short tempered but a loving and caring person. The author shows that both the main characters live a very simple life and carry their load in a small bindle which indicates that they did not have much to own. Both the ranchmen are lonely and depend on each other for companionship. When Lennie says â€Å"But not us because...because I got you to look after me and you have got me to look after you and that's why† clearly showing the friendship, strong bond between them and the reliance on each other. Steinback shapes the ranch where George and Lennie worked in as an isolated p... ...imes, the women had very few careers and were often seen as housewives to bear children or sex objects. For example, Curley always had his one hand covered in Vaseline with a glove to keep it soft for his wife when he made love to her. In the novel, Curley’s wife’s name was not mentioned at all. She was known as ‘Curley’s wife’ throughout to emphasis that she was nothing but a possession of Curley. Curley’s wife herself did not think much of her life either because she was brought up around the same narrow minded people. This approach of men towards women was clearly partial. Overall I found the novel quiet depressing and sad. Steinback described the most critical issues of the 20th century in great depth. He’s narrative method was unremarkable but effective in a simple way and was well written by Steinback to show the tough period in American history.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reflective Paper Organisational Dialogue

Huhtamaki – Reflective Paper During the interview, the Chief Executive Officer (Brad) and plant manager (Simon) devoted a considerable amount of time to our communication analysis of their plant. I hadn’t expected two executives to become so involved with a University case study, and to discuss their credo, mission statements, strategies, and—of critical importance to me—internal communication strategy, in so much detail. Gerard & Ellinor (2001) stress that authentic leaders need to practise and execute dialogue, and to me, this was what Brad and Simon were doing: showing their authentic leadership through dialogue.I thought this may have been purely for our benefit, but after four hours, beginning with introductory meetings and followed by interviews and a shop floor tour, it became apparent that management was striving to develop a learning culture. I began to understand that management is about creating an environment to communicate through different me diums: verbal and visual in varying forums; formal meetings, face-to-face meetings, and graphical representations of key messages on the shop floor and around the offices.This essay will reflect my case study experience of the role of dialogue as a tool within Huhtamaki for fostering dialogic communication and developing a learning culture within the organisation. Furthermore, I will highlight the limitations associated with dialogue and with resistive employees who refuse to engage. I had a preconceived idea that management would have a top-down hierarchal structure, with a ‘closed door’ communication policy based on research from Swink & Way (1995), Downs & Adrian (2004) and Clarke (2006).On the contrary, I found management offered an ‘open door’ policy. For example, Brad and Simon understand that organisational effectiveness is dependent upon communication across subcultural boundaries. Therefore, they offer an open door policy, where any employee could approach them to discuss any issues without consequences. Given the traditional hierarchal structure of a typical manufacturing plant with leading hands, supervisors and union delegates, I thought allowing shop floor employees to communicate directly with management an unconventional approach.Schein (1993) states that dialogue begins with creating a sense of equality, and this is what Brad and Simon are striving to achieve within their organisation. According to my understanding, they are creating an environment where employees feel comfortable in communicating, and moving away from the erstwhile problems associated with communication via union delegates, which has often caused industrial disputes and created subcultural differences between management and shop floor employees. Amy (2008) states in her research study that management needs to adopt an informal and approachable communication style.I found it interesting that this is the strategy that Brad and Simon have adopted to aid in changing the organisational culture. In order to move away from a ‘them and us’ attitude, they focused on creating an open, trusting environment which fosters learning. Simon in particular encourages employees to be upfront, and to discuss problems or issues. However, he does not merely provide solutions: he fosters dialogic communication by engaging the employees with questions until they come to realise the answers themselves. I thought this might create awkward situations if the employees could not find answers.But my concern was dismissed; Simon coaches and mentors employees to think about issues or mistakes, and ensures they develop a solution for themselves, thus creating a learning environment. Management’s ‘open door’ policy was not the only means for communication. Management scheduled a daily team meeting, weekly production meetings, and monthly ‘tool box’ meetings, where organisational issues were discussed in more detail. My first impression was that there were too many meetings. When would employees have time to get any work done, if they were continually involved in meetings with colleagues from different departments?I soon learned that this was a necessary step, as not all employees have access to email. Management has to rely on face-to-face verbal communication to ensure that messages are communicated, received, and most importantly, understood. Furthermore, to communicate with employees with no access to email, management used the hallway between the cafeteria and shop floor as a ‘communication corridor,’ posting organisational information alongside safety, quality, production efficacy and operational information.I recall seeing very detailed graphs, charts and statistics, and wondered whether the average shop floor employee would be able to interpret and analyse this data. Simon stated that it was necessary to communicate the same messages continuously in order to engage employees , both verbally in meetings and visually around the work place. I discovered that during most meetings, unless an employee was directly involved in the conversation, he or she would not engage in dialogue. This concerned me; as Schein (1993) states, leaders need to motivate to engage, as employees may not volunteer to engage in dialogue.I now struggled to understand why was it so difficult to engage the employees in dialogue. They would not engage in dialogue during formal meetings and relied on informal face-to-face meetings, where quite often, they needed to be coached to engage in a two-way conversation to find solutions. I felt that management was providing every possible opportunity for employees to be able to communicate with employees, but nonetheless, a communication culture had not successfully been created.Gerard & Ellinor (2001) state that dialogue is not something that can be forced upon employees; they need to participate willingly, and if dialogue is introduced into a hostile environment, it can fail. I could see that management was creating a safe environment in which to communicate, but soon realised that other parts of the workplace provided a different type of ambience. Part of our communication analysis was a tour around the shop floor, and one of the first things I noticed was the difference in body language between various employees.It was very evident as we walked past their workstations that some employees were open and approached management, while others ignored our presence, creating a feeling of tension. It was obvious that although management was trying to dilute the ‘them and us’ attitude, some employees were still bitter from past experiences of management. I now started to fully comprehend the views put forward by Gerard & Ellinor (2001): that dialogue is a tool that requires time and knowledge of the working process. It needs to grow within the organisation.Although Brad and Simon have created a safe environment, the y now need to focus on educating their employees in the process of dialogue and the benefits of dialogue in order to create a learning culture. Furthermore, I support the recommendations of Dixon (1998) for management to engage employees and involve them in the decision-making process. I would expect the employees to thereby see their input as valid and valued; consequently, they would have a personal interest in creating a greater understanding of issues and solutions.In consideration of the fact that Simon has had some success with the ‘open door’ policy, and that Brown & Isaacs (1997) propose that learning is not happening during scheduled meetings or organised forums, but in less formal places, I still recommend developing dialogue during formal scheduled meetings. Management needs to focus on encouraging honest dialogue and transparency within formal meetings, as per Mazutis & Slawski (2009). I feel this is a valid point, as face-to-face meetings are limited to cer tain employees with whom management has good rapport.Employees who are resistive to change and still foster a ‘them and us’ attitude will simply not approach management. I came to believe that Brad and Simon are authentic leaders, and have the capabilities to shape the culture of their organisation through dialogic communication. Reference List Amy H. Amy, 2008, ‘Leaders as facilitators of individual and organizational learning', Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 212? 234. Brown, J. & Isaacs, D. 1997, ‘Conversation as a core business process', The Systems Thinker, vol. , no. 10, pp. 1? 6. Clarke, S. 2006, ‘Safety climate in an automobile manufacturing plant: the effects of work environment, job communication and safety attitudes on accidents and unsafe behaviour’, Personnel Review, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 413? 430. Dixon, N. M. 1998, Dialogue at Work. Making Talk Developmental for People and Organizations, Center for Creative Leadership, London. Downs, C. W. & Adrian, A. D. 2004, Assessing organizational communication audits, Guilford Press, New York. Gerard, G. & Ellinor, L. 001, Dialogue at Work: Skills for Leveraging Collective Understanding, Pegasus Communications, Waltham, MA. Mazutis, D. & Slawinski, N. 2008, ‘Leading organisational learning through authentic dialogue', Management Learning, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 437? 456. Schein, E. 1993, ‘On Dialogue, Culture and organizational learning', Organizational Dynamics, vol. 22, pp. 40? 51. Swink, M. & Way, W. 1995, ‘Manufacturing strategy: propositions, current research, renewed directions’, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 4? 26.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Kerja Kursus Addmath

Not forgotten my parent's for providing everything, such as money, to buy anything that are related to this project work and their advise, purport which are the most needed for this project. Internet, books, computers and all that. They also supported me and encouraged me to complete this task so that I will not procrastinate in doing it. Beside that My father teacher at SMS Mat Kills , Kanata Pang, Tn HAJJ Mood Rosalie bin Seine for sharing ideas to ensure our task will finish completely. Then I would like to thank my teacher, for guiding me and my friends throughout this project.We had some difficulties in doing this task, but she taught us patiently until we knew what to do. She tried and tried to teach us until we understand what we supposed to do with the project work.. Last but not least, my friends who were doing this project with me and sharing our ideas. They were helpful that when we combined and discussed together, we had OBJECTIVES The aims of carrying out this project wo rk are: to apply and adapt a variety of problem-solving strategies to solve problems. To improve thinking skills. To promote effective mathematical communication. O develop mathematical knowledge through problem solving that increases students' interest and confidence. In a way to use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely. O provide learning environment that stimulates and enhances effective learning. To develop positive attitude towards mathematics INTRODUCTION As a student who takes Additional Mathematics in SUMP, I am required to carry out a project work. This year the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Education has prepared two tasks for me.I need to choose one project based on my interest. This project can be done in groups or individually but the students are required to submit an individually written report. Upon completion of the Additional Mathematics Project Work, we are able to gain valuable experiences and able to: Apply and adapt a variety of problem solving strategies to solve routine and non- routine problems; -Experience classroom environment which are challenging, interesting and meaningful and hence improve their thinking skills. Experience classroom environments where knowledge and skills are applied in meaningful ways in solving real-life problems -Experience classroom environments where expressing ones mathematical thinking reasoning and communication are highly encouraged and expected -Experience classroom environment that stimulates and enhances effective learning.Acquire effective mathematical communication through oral and writing; and to use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas correctly and precisely -Enhance acquisition of mathematical knowledge and skills through problem-solving -Prepare ourselves for the demand of our future undertakings and in workplace -Realizes that mathematics is an important and powerful tool in solving real-life problems hence develop positive att itude towards mathematics. Train ourselves not only to be independent learners but also to collaborate, doctorate, and to share knowledge in an engaging and healthy environment Use technology especially the CIT appropriately and effectively -Train ourselves to appreciate the intrinsic values of mathematics and to become imperative and innovative -Realize the importance and the beauty of mathematics Part 1 Index numbers 1) An index number is a number that can be used to show changes in magnitude of a quantity over a specific period of time. ) The specific period over which the changes occurred is called the base time. The base usually equals to 100 and thus the index number is usually expressed as a percentage, but the % sign is not usually written. 3) The formula for calculating index of a quantity, I is: Index number, IQ x 100 CO where CO = quantity at base time, IQ = quantity at a specific time. 4) If the index number is 125, it indicates that there is a +25 points or 25% rise of the quantity from base time to the specific time. ) Conversely, if the index number is 97, it indicates that there is a -3 points or 3% fall of the quantity from base time to the specific time. U. S Consumer Price Index – Food and Beverage (it) Weight Weight is common word used in Asia. The meaning for weight is a weighting factor assigned to compensate for perceived advantage or a weight factor or ratio; eight. Weight can also be defined as the importance or value when compared with another thing An example for its usage is: â€Å"The admission holds 80% weight while the interview holds 20% weight of the admission process†.In a nutshell, weight can also be said as stake. Composite Index Composite index is a grouping of equities, indexes and other factors combined in a standardized way, providing a useful statistical measure of overall market or sector performance over time. 1) Unlike index number the index numbers and involves two or more quantities. 2) The weight is the alee or quantity assigned to each item. This terms provide the importance or significance of each quantity. ) The formula of composite index is: Composite index, where = index number for item , = the corresponding weight for item Composite index can also be defined as a group of indices combined to measure the overall price of an item over a period of time. For instance, we can take a look at the price of root canal in the year 2013 based on the year 2010. A composite index may also be used in the natural or social sciences to summarize complex or multidimensional data or redundant measures.Usually, a composite index has a large number of factors which are averaged together to form a product representative of an overall market or sector. For example, the Nasdaq Composite index is a market capitalization-weighted grouping of approximately 5,000 stocks listed on the Nasdaq market. These indexes are useful tools for measuring and tracking price level changes to an entire stock mark et or sector. Therefore, they provide a useful benchmark against which to measure an investor's portfolio. The goal of a well-diversified portfolio is usually to outperform the main composite indexes (b) .Ways of Weight Representations Weight in a set of data can be represented in certain ways. 2) Pie 3) Percentage 4) Ratio part 2 1) Bar Chart We often hear complaints from the public about inflation. It causes an increase in the household expenditure in a family. So what is inflation and how does it affect us in our life? Basically, as citizens, we do get affected as it increases our household expenditure. With that, it will certainly cause problem to low-income families as their expenditure increase but at the same time, their monthly income remains the same.But on the other hand, the capitalists will sure benefit from this situation as they are owners of these large corporations which conduct these businesses. The parties who will be least affected are the middle-class people and the super-rich citizens, I. E. The millionaires. Technically, inflation is caused by the price increase of certain items from time to time. In this part we're going to make a case study on my family household expenditure to investigate this so called â€Å"inflation†

Thursday, November 7, 2019

My odessius is a hero essays

My odessius is a hero essays Odysseus is a man that embodies the general aspect of an epic hero but does not seem to have the morals of a hero. He fights in an unfair manner, lies to his crew, and he kills for no apparent reason. (Repetition) Odysseus is Superman to the Greeks. (Metaphor) Try to imagine Superman fighting one of his numerous archenemies. Superman fights fair like the bigger man (simile), no matter what. After defeating the monster Superman does not kill it, but takes it to some place that it can live without it hurting others and then he does not lie about what he does. To begin, a hero fights on the side of fairness and would never lay traps to ambush an injured enemy. That would be like Superman breaking someones legs and then challenging them to a fistfight. This is in reference to Odysseus blinding the Cyclops and then taunting them as the beast lays reeling in pain. Then on the way out, Odysseus taunts the blinded enemy again, basically challenging him. This shows Odysseus lack of ability to fight fair. This is not a quality of a hero, epic or otherwise. Second, Odysseus lies to his crew by not telling them of the impending danger. Instead of telling his men he lies and lets the monsters take his crew by surprise. Think of your self in that situation. Row, Row. By the way, duck, there is a huge monster behind you that I forgot to tell you guys about. Would a hero lie and not tell his men about danger? Of course not, all classic heroes always give their people a choice when facing death. Odysseus appears to be acting like a coward and deceiving his crew into following him. Finally, a true hero only kills his enemy as a last resort. Odysseus, after twenty years at sea, comes home to find his wife holding a contest with suitors for her hand. After winning the contest he stands on a table yelling that he will kill them all. We would never think of Superman, someone thought to be hero, yelling that he would kil...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Book Publicist

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Book Publicist How much does a book publicist cost? The short answer is fees vary mainly according to the services offered and the size of the firm you hire, but for the most part it is a commitment that will likely run you thousands, not hundreds, of dollars. If you were to hire one of the big New York-based firms, you would be talking six figures, and you would be getting a lot more than just a publicist – it would be a more holistic PR campaign that includes marketing, messaging, and more. Then there are specific book- and author-related firms that have offices in major urban areas that probably  will charge a significant project fee to start. Any services like event and media booking in tour cities, social media outreach, etc. are billed additionally. On a book- There are companies who offer individual a la carte options for campaigns for less than what it would cost to do a full campaign, including: = Sending your book out to a specific list of reviewers. = Sending a press release out to select radio, TV, print, and online producers/editors. = Radio tours with a guaranteed number of interviews scheduled. = Blog tours with a commitment on the number of reviews that will be posted. = Individual market campaigns, such as a firm that specializes in booking Los Angeles media and events. To minimize your costs, you may only ask for a mailing or a blog tour. Some of the businesses that handle these jobs are online-based and you may never actually speak to a person. This is how they keep their prices in the hundreds - If you hire a boutique public relations firm, you will likely either pay a project fee or a monthly retainer. It will depend on what you need and how much you want the company to do for you. The costs related to the kind of relationship with a client that includes individual attention, phone meetings, flexibility, and what I consider to be a long term, quality connection between the client and the firm will definitely run several thousands of dollars. The main considerations are: = What kinds of services do you need? = What kind of relationship do you want to have with the company you are working with? = How much work can you do on your own? What financial resources are reasonably at your disposal? = Can the company you want to work with negotiate with you to give you the best array of services at a price that is mutually agreeable? = Can you purchase specific services from the same company that will give you the best of both worlds: a more personalized campaign and lower costs? Public relations is an actual skill that takes a lot of time. Although it is sometimes very hard to measure results, rest assured the time and labor is being spent.   I think the most important quality your representative should have is a commitment to you and your work.   This person or company is going to help you gain exposure and will actually introduce your book to the world in interesting ways. So when you are looking for a publicist know that the old adage rings true– â€Å"you get what you pay for†Ã¢â‚¬â€œand if you are looking for someone who is going to work hard on your behalf, it isn’t going to be cheap.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Splash Corporation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Splash Corporation - Case Study Example Therefore, the Splash personnel needs to develop the product in such a way that attracts the customers of different cultures. By involving the partners in terms of examining the culture, treating the partners as family members and adopting strategic leadership and management style, the Splash has improved in the business. Developing new technology has created an impact on the business. Splash has set up the Splash Research Institute to constantly expand new products that would persuade the fast rising requirements of the customer care market by utilizing cutting-edge technology. Another change was on the development of a management team who has an immense knowledge of the preferences and needs of the customers of the Asian countries. The business believes that by creating a change in the values and difference in the customers, the business can withstand with the international competitors. The tastes of consumers differ from country to country. With the help of an effective marketing strategy they can satisfy the consumers of different countries. Strengthening the Indonesian markets will help the company to compete in the international market. The creation of an international identity will help the firm to build strong relationship with the foreign customers. The firm needs to use an effective branding strategy. Effective use of branding and distribution strategy will help the firm to find a place in the Indonesian market. A new branding strategy will help to adopt a new market segment. The business can concentrate on the men consumers and develop products for men. Strategies of the Splash products are reflected on its advertisement and products strategies. Multinational competitors of the Splash normally carried their products and had attained more mature phase of the product life cycle. So such ads were targeted to appeal to poignant aspect of their particular products.   Their ads featured good-looking and glamorous ladies, whom the men